ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

  • 35 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]totechnologyr/iamatotalpieceofshit
    18 days ago

    If it's the person I'm thinking of, they didn't take down best korea's internet, they DDOSed a couple of externally facing sites. Like not even anything a korean citizen would use, they just blocked foreigners from seeing press releases and tourism information.

  • Strictly speaking there are some good questions on morality and ends justifying the means when viewed in a vacuum, but the only price you pay for choosing chaos is a handful of side characters becoming unrecruitable, so it becomes the clearly morally correct choice. With CODA being locked behind the chaos princess ending, it just reinforces that chaos is the right way to play.

  • I put over 300 hours into Reborn before deciding I couldn't be bothered to grind enough for the "perfect" ending (finish the final CODA4 battle with only Denam, Catuia, and Vyce, without any of them being incapacitated), and I was very confused by all the praise the Law path got. Like you can say, you can go Law and have nationalist Denam, and at best have the story of a man who'se trying to redeem himself from some terrible acts, or you can go Chaos and just be the super based kid who revolts so hard he becomes a timelord.

  • True, but the vast majority do, and all the ones that do consider tongue kissing an expression of romance and sexual intent.

    Besides, your rebuttal here only applies to the word "conventional" - it's still not a sexual fixation on something non-sexual. So what makes it a fetish?

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]tothe_dunk_tankvote biden because porn
    24 days ago

    I don't think it's a gen x or boomer thing, I think there have always been men we'd now identify as incels in patriarchal society, as it's the logical end point of male sexual entitlement. The way we describe them has changed, but ideas like women not being able to be trusted with money or men not showing their feelings go back hundreds, if not thousands of years. I think what's really changed is the internet has given those people somewhere to gather and jerk themselves off about how unfair it is, intensifying their persecution complexes and causing them to act out more.

  • 5th ed sucks, but it's not because of the lack of minmaxing - it's because it doesn't have an identity beyond being quick to start playing. It's not actually particularly simple or easy to pick up, having only a very mild edge on 3.x due to replacing some of the +1's and 2's with advantage and making move actions movement only, and for DMs there's much less support to run the game than 3.x or 4e, so any perceived lack of complexity is overridden by having to design the game yourself. It talks about rulings over rules, but the rules it provides are incredibly specific, not wide ranging ideas that can be applied to a variety of situations. It wants to provide a wide range of customisation, but only really provides subclasses to do that by - even feats are dependent on the GM allowing them to be taken instead of ASIs. Magic is everywhere, but also inaccessible - there are no real rules for buying magic items (or anything else), and the game heavily restricts how many can be used. The classes aren't particularly well balanced against each other so it's very exploitable by minmaxers, but combat is such a big nothing anyway that it only matters in a white room. It has 20 levels but most people only consider levels 3-10 playable.

    In my experience 5e players much prefer either Shadow of the Demon Lord/Weird Wizard or Pathfinder 2e once they start playing, but most of them refuse to try either out of brand loyalty or misconceptions about difficulty.