• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Thank you for that.

    I have re-read your original article, and I think it's point is that the way crime is reported on does not match the reality of the situation, and that the 'tough on crime/soft on crime' rhetoric currently in the news cycle is not new and has nothing to do with actual crime rates. To this i agree.

    As to the recent crime rates, they are overall trending downwards. However, as the article you linked pointed out, certain types of crime are on the rise. I would say it is important to try and understand why this is the case, and address the underlying causes, rather than increasing sentences or other harsher punishments. My reasoning is that we have been on the right track with our current approach, so we should not throw out the rehabilitation mindset just because it feels good to punish criminals more harshly.

  • Convenience is exactly the issue. Technology tends to make our lives easier. I don't even have to take my wallet out now, just use my phone. It's just so much easier. The transaction fee thing is annoying, but most of the time it's so small I just pay it anyway, instead of going through the above-mentioned steps to pay with EFTPOS. I'd also add "chose the wrong account and it was declined" to those steps. I use EFTPOS so infrequently now I often forget which account I keep all my money in.