RedArcher [he/him]

Marxism-Leninism, anti-revisionism, and FLOSS enjoyer.

  • 54 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • RedArcher [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankA very unbiased headline
    7 months ago

    "Election devoid of credible opposition"

    Meanwhile in the US you only get the option to vote for a white supremacist party which is only 99% fascist and a white supremacist party that's 100% fascist. Complete projection.

  • "Wait, no! Milei's not a REAL libertarian, he's a socialist too! Argentina's still corporatist, not capitalist! Want REAL capitalism? Just look at Medieval Iceland or England! We can TOTALLY recreate those CAPITALIST societies in the 21st century! Trus me bro!"

    — Some 14-year-old AnCap edgelord on 4chan

  • Being in the public school system. The high school I was a student in was blatantly nepotistic and only really invested their resources and staff in assisting the students with rich families while caring little about poorer students. My family couldn't afford higher education (which is virtually a requirement for getting any sort of well-paid job in my country), so me and other poor students had no real reason to be motivated. Eventually, after defending myself from harassment from a rich student I was essentially expelled from school and targeted by police, while the rich student only got a slap on the wrist. This experience made me question everything I knew about capitalism until I recognized that this system doesn't care about people like me and left me behind, leading me to socialism and never looking back.

  • Yes.

    The election of a single person in a bourgeois state rarely ever changes the long-established basis for imperialism and capitalism. Both Biden and Trump are imperialists, upholders of NATO, and so on. A similar policy towards Eastern Europe (particularly Ukraine) would exist under Trump, and there's no reason why inter-imperialist competition would not take place.

    The only thing which Trump's presidency would guarantee would be a greater chance for world war three.