• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Man, it must be great living in such a simple world, where you can just be a normal fucking person, then vote, and all of a sudden you're fighting fascism!

    It's like a delusion of grandeur. In fact, I think that's exactly what it is now that I think about it.

    Feels great to be able to fight fascism without ever having to pick up a kalashnikav.

  • After thinking about it for a while, not having any special knowledge, but being in the tech field, I feel like this is the most likely scenario.

    In the States, where can you find old stuff from the 90s anymore? That was before I was using the internet heavily, but things like GeoCities and other meta websites have gone down or basically only exist in archives now.

    I realize that the article never said that China is purposefully pulling these websites down just that they seem to be disappearing. This is conspiracy theory code for we're just asking questions. But if I had heard an American say, hey, why are these old 90s websites coming down? Isn't that suspicious? Isn't our government being totalitarian? I would definitely just say no, that's just how the internet really works, Things come down, nothing lasts forever.

  • Okay legit is there any evidence of slave labor? What do the libs point too when asked?

    When i did some searching the only thing i could find was the job placement program that people go through after the education centers in xinjiang.

    Obviously they are all closed now, So there's no good excuse there now. Even gm failed to find forced labor in xinjiang recently.

    But anything else? Or just your standard sinophobic stuff?

  • I always go back and forth on this part, because protesters with a handful of guns greatly outnumber the police with bigger guns. So, in theory, the protesters would win, but not without major losses. The police station example is a good one.

    But I don't know if it's worth escalating until we're actually ready to start a revolution. Any escalation will eventually be outdone by police, right? The only way we can possibly win is by sheer numbers and organizing. That would necessitate a massive amount of organizing. And until we're ready for that, we're just gonna get squished.

    It reminds me of the BLM activity in the Pacific Northwest in 2020. I mean Seattle literally had multiple city blocks that police weren't allowed to enter. But eventually it falls.

    But I don't know. I feel like my thoughts around this are wrong in some way. It also feels like the left has been tricked into peacefully protesting and we're just having a hard time getting out of that.

    In my local organizing, it's pretty tough because it kind of feels like everybody is so damn hesitant to actually piss people off or be too inconvenient or something like that. Nobody wants to block a bridge or shut down a plant or anything like that because everyone is so afraid of the optics.

  • jokes aside I really honestly want to use this. For a while I've been trying to use extra context to get American AIs to understand and be more pro communist and they are just fucking trained to hate it.

    To be fair they usually end up becoming neutral, but they don't speak in a pro communist lens like I'm trying to get them to.

    Super duper wish we in U$A get to use this.

  • I'm so glad I found Lemmygrad because that post and the shit being said over there is just too much for me to fucking handle.

    Wow, you take a couple steps away from social media. And then occasionally peel back the curtain to see what you left behind. And you don't regret leaving one bit.

    I genuinely can't tell if Reddit and Dot World are just a bunch of fucking teenagers who have never experienced any arguments in life whatsoever, or if they're all just mentally deranged.