Red_Eclipse [she/her]

baby socialist, reformed lib, still learning

Avatar description: glitched out Pluto but red

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023

  • It indeed is not as bad as it feels. I'm feeling better now but it hurt for like a whole day and I was ruminating about it lol. I hate rejection sensitivity so much. It wasn't like we had an actual fight, I just said my piece and I got frustrated feeling like I was being ignored by the group whenever I tried to explain stuff like that. To which I got: "Well, respectfully, I think you're wrong, and being kind of rude about it too" which hit me like a truck and made me cry. A lot.

    This is why I don't post kitty-cri-screm

    Also, this is my main friend group so we're talking every day and I said sorry (even though I was right!!!) and now we're back to memes and jokes again.

  • Researching near death experiences (NDEs) helped me a ton with this. It's anecdotal evidence so it's weak but if you stack it all up from across history and cultures it starts to paint a fuzzy picture. I don't think death means non existence anymore. We don't fully understand what awaits us but from what little I've heard, it's a very nice place we go to.

  • Red_Eclipse [she/her]tochapotraphouseHmm,
    5 months ago

    Being sick and somewhat sedated by medicine is enough to be sort of "drunk" and make typos. :P

    But in terms of like, getting actually high, yeah you can't just get codeine but there's cough medicine that's like, pure DXM and people use it as a deliriant.

  • Holy shit, that whole sub... that's just sad.

    I did a bit of research on Judaism to reconcile with zionism/anti-semitism and all that, and I saw how different it is from zionism, and that zionism is actually more anti-semitic than being anti-zionist etc.

    But imagine if you knew nothing about it, and then went on r/Jewish. You would be getting the WRONG impression for sure.

  • jokerfied Sometimes I get so mad that it's been so long, and my family has been like this possibly for generations and generations, and only NOW are they just figuring us out. For so long, nobody fucking gave a shit, nobody fucking bothered to even understand us. Just locked us up, lobotomized us, shamed us for being different, and left us to go homeless and die. And only NOW do they realize: "Wow, it looks like they're actual people with feelings!" Fuck everything. Monstrous society. fuckin-deserve