Red_Scare [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2020


  • I think we mostly agree but we put emphasis differently. Ukrainians are not any different from the "brave Mujahedeen fighters" US papers fawned upon as long as they were a useful tool.

    Liberals are obliterating Ukraine to poke Russia. They only want Ukrainians "on the side of the West" in extremely limited capacity: as cannon fodder and rape material:

    Also here's a record on early reactions in the Western online sphere right after the war broke out:

  • Putin is denounced as authoritarian because Ukrainians are perceived as white and innocent. At the same time, Russians are depicted as brutish orcs, a pejorative frequently used against them on social media.

    I'll take an issue with this. They would never fight a war to the last Englishman or Frenchman the way they are happy to fight a war to the last Ukrainian. They say as much openly, boasting how they are damaging Russia militarily without losing a single American life. They would never use depleted uranium munitions on their own soil, to see their babies born malformed. They never considered Slavs "white" and never will, look at what they did to Yugoslavia, look at how they ransacked Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Warsaw pact, look at Ukrainian mail order brides and wombs for hire, look at how the EU designated Romania as the country to be raped by the rest of Europe - everybody knows the brothels across the EU are filled with nationals of one single EU member state and nobody bats an eye. Regardless of any proclamations, they see Ukrainians as untermenschen, Bandera learned it the hard way and Zelensky is learning now.

    Despite being similar societies, liberals consider them two distinct nations.

    Ukrainians are a separate nation. This was never doubted under USSR.

  • yeah they always compare the west as it is now with communist countries 50-100 years ago, right after the revolution, in the middle of civil war and famine, encircled by capitalist aggression etc.

    unsurprising really, if your analysis by definition doesn't account for material conditions and is purely idealistic, nothing stops you from comparing societies from different time periods, on different stages of economic and technical development, etc.