I'm sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I'm old. Once upon a time 'screen savers' were used for ..saving screens, I swear it's the truth :-) I would've bet money on screensavers disappearing when CRT monitors did, but that certainly did not happen. It exploded. I kind of expect that someone by now have created a screensaver ..plugin for another screensaver..

    Not picking on you, just feeling old suddenly. I tried searching for 2024 all-time insane screensavers but only found this 13yo one from vsauce: iv.melmac.space/watch?v=zwX95UaKCRg

    ..but I'm curios what have happened in 13 years, so if any lurkers know better search-fu, please add..

    Sharing is caring <3

  • 'Similarly, during democratic elections, Google employed whitelists for sites that should be shown (or demoted) for election-related information'

    I'm sure they only use that little 'non-fascistic' feature for home use and not all over the world, yeah.

    China, Russia, Iran etc seem to know what they are doing, and why. All people in the western world need to apply a Chinese firewall and block these US state/profit controlled corporations.

  • Unfortunately it was paywalled.

    I'm not an expert, but ASML uses a very powerful ultraviolet 'cannon' to edge patterns into their layers https://wikiless.northboot.xyz/wiki/Extreme_ultraviolet_lithography, and apparently (from the few lines of article txt) the Chinese are going for particle accelerators for edging instead. I wonder if they will use a beam or just fire away on a masked wafer.

    Slightly ot, I think hybrid photonic computing is the future, but that would probably also benefit from smaller construction techniques, so ..go go China.

    If someone is interested in chip construction and new AI trends in that area, I can recommend 'Asianometry' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LpsuAUaKoMzzJSEt5WImw / https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UC1LpsuAUaKoMzzJSEt5WImw and especially 'Anastacia in tech' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORX3Cl7ByidjEgzSCgv9Yw / https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCORX3Cl7ByidjEgzSCgv9Yw

    They have not reported on this Chinese particle thing yet, tho..

  • Yeah, data can be beautiful - but is ugly if presented misleadingly. Only very little can be concluded from this 'graph' (without sources btw), but it is presented as if the inner west are the great core of enlightenment, spiraling out to the 'dumber' nations. The level of knowledge excellence is obviously related to the amount of dollu spent - which is nonsense. My equally valid opinion is that Western liberal/Capitalist education is exceedingly inefficient, and only optimized for wage-slavery. Notice how all the super 'edumecated' citizens from the west have been so easily propagandized to think that Russia is the bad guy. ..China is the bad guy ..socialism is bad ..communism evil ..Capitalism GREAT! We are the best!! ..and so on and so on with similar infantile propaganda from the Capitalist elite. The average intellects in these 'educated' western nations is Embarrassing, and misinformation from constant propaganda doesn't help much i'm afraid..

  • A few ideas/hints: If you are up for some upgrading/restructuring of storage, you could consider a distributed filesystem: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Comparison_of_distributed_file_systems?lang=en.

    Also check fuse filesystems for weird solutions: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace?lang=en

    Alternatively perhaps share usb drives from 'desktop' over ip (https://www.linux.org/threads/usb-over-ip-on-linux-setup-installation-and-usage.47701/), and then use bcachefs with local disk as cache and usb-over-ip as source. https://bcachefs.org/

    If you decide to expose your 'desktop', then you could also log in remote and just work with the files directly on 'desktop'. This oc depends on usage pattern of the files.

  • Despite Hollywood movies continuously showing the fan-mazing-ness of Western weapon tech/military and the same demeaning propaganda of 'the Russian gas-tank nation', the truth is that Russia alone have won the weapons race - by a huge margin. Add to that China's / Iran's drone capabilities and everyone can see that the Western Capitalist nightmare have lost their new worldwar, completely - even before they were 1/3 in. For anyone interested in how bad and archaic Nato/West military is, look up Andrei Martyanov (YT or https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/) or similar military experts..

    OC Disappointing for the Liberals who thought they were masters of the universe and wanted a global war for continued ideological hegemony/dictatorship, but totally fortunate for every sane person on the planet. Bye bye Liberalism..