SkeletorJesus [he/him]


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • Mostly because the capitalist system needs new markets. It's a requirement of the system. Most of the real new avenues for capital have already been exploited, so we've seen most of them in the past few decades be invented in tech. Presumably, this will continue to be true in the future. If interest rates go back down, then it's likely there'll be another boom. So long as capital thinks it has a new market, real or fabricated, that it can get bigger returns from, it'll bite. That'll involve creating new products from scratch much of the time. Due in part due to racism and in part due to the very real advantages of a shared native language and timezone, I think investors will find an American most desirable if all else is equal. You're right that outsourcing can cut costs, but US programmer salaries also have a lot of space to fall.

    Sure, it's entirely possible that things don't improve and that's I'm super fucked, but I have no real way to pick apart the odds of that and even if I knew for sure, I don't have much I could do to act on the information in a favorable way that I can't do later down the line.

  • Honestly, I don't dislike coding, but I don't like it enough to do it over most other hobbies. It would definitely fall more into the category of unpaid work than something I do for fun. I suppose it's mostly something I have to deal with. The suggestions here seem to lean towards contributing to an open source project or, if I really can't do that, keeping up with my game dev. Appreciate the encouragement. I'm sure I'll keep chugging, I just feel like the frustration boils over more easily the longer this keeps up. Being able to post stuff like this and the encouragement people give in response genuinely do help me keep from like I'm trapped in an asylum.

  • I can't see either image, for some reason, but I've done quite a few revisions to my resume with some help from assorted sources. I got some help from my uni's career center, paid for a resume review from Indeed, asked my Mom who used to work in HR, and visited the CS career subreddit. I finally settled on a single column, minimal "special" formatting with some nice dividing lines. The contact info's in a nice header with the name bolded and in a decent font size. It's a single page, starting with education followed by whatever project experience I could shoehorn in as relevant.

  • I don't think it's prudish to focus on cool before sexy as the default, especially in games where you're creating an avatar of yourself vs playing a pre-defined character. Maybe I'm out of touch but I don't make characters I'm attracted to, I make characters to represent myself. I want to see me looking cool, not me with my cheeks spread.

  • FFXIV's high-end content is, without a single question, something that you'll want a regular group for. I basically quit because I couldn't convince my friends to keep playing. Partyfinder isn't usually toxic, but it's always draining because high end content doesn't really let you "carry" somebody and if a single person leaves then you'll most likely be starting fresh with another person who has never done the encounter before.

  • SkeletorJesus [he/him]tochapotraphouseIt keeps happening
    5 months ago

    Most of the friends that I have that are into DnD are in at least two games. Some people like doing it more than one night a week and it's hard to find two days out of every week that everybody in the group is cool spending on it.

  • SkeletorJesus [he/him]togamesThey’re adapting.
    5 months ago

    I think it's a frame of mind. Generally, people are not trained to view media as art, nor to interact with art in any meaningful sense. If you see a video game and subconsciously think "this exists solely for my gratification" then yeah, you're not gonna be thinking about it much.

  • This is one guy, one single guy, has made a statement as powerful as a protest of thousands. You can say it's suicide, but not that it's meaningless. You can say martyrdom is not something to aspire to, but cannot say that it did not take an incredibly rare level of devotion towards a cause that is just. Writing him off as out of his mind is an insult to his determination. I don't think self-immolating is the most productive thing he could have done, but at the end of the day, if it was, I know I wouldn't have the guts to follow through on it.