SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2021


  • This dudes tone is like hella weird. Lotta blowing smoke up his own ass for uhh doing a DDOS to a poor country for a week.

    It's like being proud that you destroyed the entire newspaper industry in Liberia or something. Like wow cool man that's really something very helpful

  • Only slur I ever hear on a regular basis is the r-slur from people at work. That's it. I haven't heard someone say the n word in public in a hot minute and I don't think it would go well where I am (a not awful place in the south).

    I think that's just twitter lol.

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    19 days ago

    Yeah I mean as much as I would love to tell them to eat my ass, fact of the matter is that I have to pay rent and eat. They do pay somewhat ok, and some benefits, but it's about the only upside. Probably one of the higher paying jobs you can get with zero experience doing anything and with no education and with a felony or whatever, yet they still have a gargantuan turnover rate. Like that REALLY says something about how fuckin weird they are lol.

    I'm actively looking for jobs and once I do I'll peace out and simply not tell anyone. It's the best I got for fantasizing about owning them lol.

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    19 days ago

    At the warehouse I work at, which is kind of a amazon wannabe, also has numbers to hit. It's crazy how they hound you on these numbers but also want it both ways. No phone. The door locks 10 min after shift starts and as soon as break ends so a supervisor has to open the door for you to get in. Don't talk. They removed the water cooler for 2 weeks because of "talking" before putting it back.

    Just wildly draconian rules ON TOP of the numbers. Like dude judge them by the numbers, or fucking don't. Either let the numbers be judge jury and executioner and let them have a phone and talk to each other or fuck off. It's so fucking embarrassing this place is a goddamn kindergarten. It's like management cannot comprehend that people are doing this to live and making every moment miserable is not going to help anyone.

    I would never have been here for this long but I got a support position in tech. Otherwise I'd be fuckin outta this weirdo place

  • Lol I saw a stage in richard burns rally someone made where they used a very funny old-school method of doing reflections.

    They made the "puddle" transparent and just literally mirrored the entire map on the underside of the one you drive on. So when you look at the puddle and see reflections, they aren't reflections, just exact copies of the stuff around you upside down through the map. It looks quite good!

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
    togamesI completed v1 of my sim rig!
    26 days ago

    My first rig was 2 pieces of wood I drilled into my desk for my g29 and shifter lol.

    Also hey I wish I had a hotas for star citizen or flight sim. Fun games I just zone out too hard while coasting from one place to another lol

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
    togamesI completed v1 of my sim rig!
    26 days ago

    I actually do race in VR on a reverb g2, the screen is there just in case for fidgeting with setting or whatever. In this case I was Watching the fights while mounting the wheel lol. It's on an arm so I swing it over to my desk when I'm not racing. Bout to also mount a 65" kinda busted but definitely viable TV to my wall to put live timings for WEC races on!

    I actually have hundreds of hours in DR 2.0 on controller, as I don't have a handbrake/sequential shifter yet so I don't feel totally comfortable. Done a little bit of richard burns rally though and that shit is wild lol.

    At least there's EA WRC after dr2.0...too bad it runs like dogwater lol.

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
    togamesI completed v1 of my sim rig!
    26 days ago

    Hell yeah! I just got the software license today for sim commander. Put like 5 minutes in doing laps on it. Unbelievable improvement from running raw iracing ffb lol. I'm incredibly sad I'm at work for another 3 hours till I get to go tinker with it. It blew me away how much better it was with the base cloud profiles it loaded in. Also what the fuck I did not know it had a trueforce like function with engine RPMs, kinda rules.

  • SoloboiNanook [comrade/them]
    togamesI completed v1 of my sim rig!
    26 days ago

    Amusingly I also had one of these


    Still have it somewhere. Very plastic but could probably be used as nice inspiration on building a more solid metal one. Could be done if you got the parts machined. Sim race guys are fucking lunatics making shit, I am sure there is an option for mech stuff if you go hard enough