Strelnikov [she/her,she/her]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Wore a red "Moscow University" sweatshirt in a buttoned down farm/military town in the Midwest. Read Russian history, Marx, and voted for HW in '88. Gulf War 1 happened, missed going by 22 lbs., got booted from my ROTC unit (family traditions to uphold) for being overweight. Thought being anti-war meant Democrats, was a Clinton supporter.

    Sat on the lawn of the student union in '91 and pronounced "we'll be a Fascist nation inside 30 years." Nailed it!

    Proceeded to help that happen by being a right fucking Lib. Oblivious to the damage I was doing because at least I wasn't a conservative...

    Married, kids, career... Bush 2 was a nightmare of liberal outrage for me. Slid left but still believed in the system, voted Kerry. Shake my fist at those conservative bastards!!

    Voted Obama. Watched the wheels come off. Everything. More drone strikes. Spinning up more and more and more war... I mean, I saw it happen with Clinton, but thought it would be better with Obama.

    Got divorced. Then married my beloved Raccoon.

    Then came 2016 and they put Hillary up. And I said, well ok... But then she said, "Universal health care will never happen, get over it."

    And I was done. I took a look at Bernie's campaign and liked what I saw. And I watched the Dem establishment crush his campaign. And then I watched Clinton lose to Trump.

    Then Trump.

    And that was that I needed something. I read Marx again. Read Mao.

    Then Chapo happened and I found it with the help of The Dollop.

    Bernie was the compromise.

    Biden is still a rapist.

    it's covid season.

    Raccoon organizes.

    We serve 50 meals a day, three days a week to our local unhoused at a city park in our town. No contact, socially distant. No charge. Ever.

    The cops stopped by to hassle and the first week they swept on Thursday morning before service.

    But we came back. The cops didn't. The city stopped sending their "intern" to find out our per plate cost weeks ago.

    We will beat them, because threepers don't feed you. Boogaloos won't feed you.

    We are the intolerant left, we will not tolerate hunger in our town.

    We will move among the people as the fish swims in the sea...