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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Well said. I think storytelling is an amazing medium precisely because it allows you to explore troubling topics in a safe way, with the linguistic layer of abstraction as a safety net. I check in with my players at session 0 and on occasion to know what is totally OK, what I can describe but not show art for, and what is off limits. We've agreed that sexual assault is off limits, sexual themes can be vaguely alluded to buy should remain mostly implied, spiders can be described but not shown, and everything else is currently on the table. This system should work fine for any table composed of reasonable humans.

  • Sentences like "Can I roll for persuasion?" or worse "I perception the room" are one of my biggest pet peeves coming from players. Tell me what you want to accomplish, I will tell you whether and what you need to roll. I've mostly managed to train that behavior out of my players, thankfully. As a newbie DM I used to use die rolls as a crutch -- "this is a dice rolling game, so the more dice we roll the more fun we're having, right?" I thought. I also hated saying no to my players, so stupidly high DCs were a way to shift the blame onto the dice for my players' failures. As I've gained experience, I run a much less dice-heavy game. I very often just let my PCs succeed with no roll required.

    The one case where I don't mind the players asking to roll is when they ask to "INSIGHT CHECK" à la critical role; it's always fun to see the players so passionately engaging with NPCs.