Oh boy, time to learn about American history!
A furry Marxist-Leninist varmint
Oh boy, time to learn about American history!
Are you also busted with the sauce? With a little bit of swag, etc?
I am explicitly calling for your resignation
This looks like the unanimous sentiment.
so why can't we replace them?
We can. We simply need an admin like @CARCOSA@hexbear.net to (please) step in and defrock them.
This. Please step up by stepping down, @ZoomeristLeninist@hexbear.net.
"I'm sorry you were too stupid to understand."
Ah! Well there you go.
Play Beanis Broke my Baby!
I heard that story too but it was about BackBlaze.
Computers can get perfect randomness, but it has to come from an analog source. That's what this thing does.
That's not a jellyfish that's a frisbee that grew legs.
Very precise answer, thank you.
How about a simple test to make sure it didn't break and start spitting out all zeroes. Read a few lines from /dev/random
lol that's perfect
How much do they cost!?
Aw, shit. They said that kind of shit to Jesse Jackson, didn't they.