TerminalEncounter [she/her]

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  • 28 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2021


  • I went through a few Italian places back in 2016.

    You gotta see Venice, that's a must see. It's just such a unique place. Same with Rome, you just have to.

    Besides that, Cortona was wonderful (it's in Tuscany where you're going already). Nice little small town. Very dope.

    Trieste was really interesting and not far from Venice, you could visit it. Lots of different cultures all kind of melted together there.

    Naples was cool - other backpackers gave me a hard time about seeing southern Italy because of the crime, but it was more like any run down post industrial North American town than some crime den. If you're going to see Pompeii chances are you'll be in or near Naples anyway. It was cool, lots of art.

    Ravenna was also really cool. I was surprised so many other backpackers didn't seem to know about it? It's quite an old and cultured city.

  • It could be you're just happy! And they can tell. Trust your partner, they probably now you the best for sure.

    Just enjoy your new vibes~ if you're really concerned don't make any spontaneous big life changing decisions - but most people don't make spur of the moment decisions like that anyway lol. Stimulant psychosis is rare and it is scary but it sounds like you have a very good grasp of your mental health and mental sensorum anyway. But especially, you have a support system you trust who can help you.

  • Full blown mania is a thing to behold if you've never met someone in full bloom. I had patients think that celebs they never met were in love with them. Or that it made sense to take out thousands of dollars in loans to bet on a penny stock because they were now geniuses. Or that they should move to a new country they don't speak the language of and were making arrangements like flights etc to do so.

    Full bloom mania also involves like not sleeping, not really eating (or binging I guess). A lot of people are low grade feverish and literally warmer compared to their baseline. They have hyperglossia - like they won't stop talking. They usually can't tell they're manic but the people around them can, especially loved ones. Someone that full out manic will have people concerned for them but they're delusional at the moment and don't think anything is wrong - and why not they're usually feeling like an 11/10 in mood on top of everything.

  • That's so awful, I hope things brighten for you soon. Between dysphoria and depression, there's obviously a lot of interplay. Being that down for over a week sounds more like depression to me judging by the bit you've said here. Especially if nothing is making you happy or the things that used to just aren't cutting it.

    There's not really a short cut for depression or any mood disorder, but many people have and it's possible for you too. Some of the "easiest" (nothing is truly easy when you're feeling as down as you have) is to keep a regular sleep schedule and meal schedule. Meds can help but it takes a minute. It's weird but sunshine and the outdoors can help too.

    For gender dysphoria, the treatment is transition - so whatever that means for your gender identity is what you should keep doing and trying to do/experimenting with. Binding if breasts bother/painting toe nails if you wanna femme whatever it is (I didn't ask earlier lol, don't wanna assume) are things that can be done that are more easily hidden if you don't feel safe in public. Having a friend you're out with is great because then you can hang out with them as out as you feel ready for!