I went into town today but I couldn't get anywhere because of this new Vietnamese place and people were lined up for mile. Of course I didn't know this until I asked a guy what was going on and he said "Pho queue"
Nice guy
Boo hoo someone very lightly pointed out that women and minorities are oppressed. I hesitate to say to the benefit of white men, as a white man I don't think it's in any way to my benefit, but white men certainly seem to think it's to their benefit.
And we're the only state that doesn't have a democratic party, we have the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party
I'm in middle of nowhere northern minnesota and I think it was more enthusiastic than ever. I saw huge banners on RVs parked in front yards, trucks driving around blasting that rich men north of Richmond song (multiple occasions) three opportunist moms for liberty dorks running for the school board, Trump hats, and way more Trump signs than I saw in '16 Even family who has always been lib were quoting trump talking points.
I filled in every bubble because I want everyone to work together. I'm through with this divisiveness polarizing our country.
Didn't he also take a shit in the house they found him in and then brag about it?
Animals. And Obama's little theater moment after that "Ladies and gentlemen... we got him (raucous cheering)" was fucking gross regardless of how bad Bin Laden was.
T1 is an autoimmune disease that attacks these cells, so what are they doing to protect them from the body's immune response? The article didn't mention.
Love this layout. I have the open and close ([{< on the same key like you! I don't know why that wasn't the default from the start.
You even have the different dashes bound. Be still my heart!
Ancap colors were an accident.
Looks great! Is it tofu scramble with some tomato on top? Almost like huevos rancheros
Either way I think you just signed yourself up to be a cook in the hexbear commune.
I don't know if I agree either but I love the energy.
I'm at the age where I get it, but I can't understand how it's funny. I'm basically an alien.
Do you already have one on hand for that scenario?
We can't possibly stop sending them bombs because if we do, so I'm told, they will just use more indiscriminate bombs. I find it hard to believe they could produce/acquire enough of these dumb bombs to do a fraction of the damage they're already doing but what do I know.
We need fluid e-democracy
On the blockchain
If you get to vote on school board check if there are any moms for liberty types.
But yeah I don't know why you wouldn't. It takes minutes and your vote is consequential locally.
Don't have to move your hand to use the mouse. It's really nice when you get used to it.
Not red delicious apples