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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • LOL, like Congress isn't complicit. The Republicans are fully behind Israel starting WW3 to bring Jesus back, and Democrats are split, but will never impeach Biden over it.

    I have no idea what to do about Biden, but an impeachment over this is a fantasy. The 2020 primary was our shot, and we blew it. The Biden presidency will be what it will be, but we can't let Democratic voters forget their failure. Neoliberalism will end, or it will end us. It might already have done so, but time will tell.

  • For all the carnage that's happened and all the carnage that's about to happen, we need to (rhetorically) beat the neoliberals over the head for the 2020 primary. I don't know if Bernie could have stopped any of this, but at least our hands would be clean. Fuck the notion that neoliberals are somehow "good enough". They throw us a bone from time to time, but ultimately the only thing they are capable of generating in the long term is absolute disaster.

  • I'm not sure the people who got those meals agree with you.

    50+ years of American foreign policy is aiding and abetting this genocide. The position Biden is in at this moment gives him limited leverage. The second he drops aid to Israel, that leverage is gone. Threats are dangerous if following through makes you powerless.

    A series of small punishments maximizes leverage in situations like this. Kill one hostage at a time, and you are taken seriously. Kill all the hostages and you get taken out. Israel has other places to go for aid and alliances. America needs a foothold in the Middle East, and Israel works far better than Saudi Arabia which has its own genocide going on.

    I think Biden should be moving faster, but he has the right strategy. Turn up the heat a bit at a time to maximize leverage instead of pulling all support "on principle" and burning all the leverage for nothing. I care more about outcome than purity.

  • How would you deliver aid in a way that was guaranteed not to kill anyone? Trucks? Nope, those kill people every day. Push carts? Nope, too slow and people would die of exhaustion. Boats? That takes a dock and we're building one. (And people can die that way too.)

    I personally don't think Biden has the ability to force Israel to do anything unless he does it through military force, which I don't support. Russia or China would quickly fill the vacuum if the US just pulled out. Ramping up pressure over time maximizes the US's influence over Israel. I think Biden should have ramped it up a lot faster, but it is the most effective strategy.

  • Biden and the rest of the establishment have no idea how many of those uncommitted votes will or won't vote for Biden in the general, and nothing I say has any effect on that.

    Here is the comment I originally responded to:

    Also, it’s great because the same people who said we could push him left are now mad because… we are trying to push him left

    The only thing I'm saying is that Biden actually has been pushed left, and many of us who think Biden is preferable to Trump are absolutely in favor of continuing to push him left.

    This is one of those Internet bubbles you keep hearing about. You folks have your little in-group, and everyone who doesn't line up exactly with the group is an outsider. That's exactly how you convince politicians that you aren't worth paying attention to. My state hasn't voted yet. Maybe I'll vote "uncommitted" like I planned, or maybe I get so fed up with this edgy nonsense that I vote Biden. That's not likely in my case, but this shit does drive people away. You are more concerned with maintaining your edgy rebel status than actually moving public opinion. I think winning on policy would be a disaster in your eyes because you would no longer be special.

  • I'm still not seeing a viable alternative. I disagree with your assessment of Biden's power and of the two parties, but that isn't even relevant since I'm not seeing a viable plan or any progress at all by you folks.

    Blaming Biden for a few incidental deaths from a single incident is really dumb. There is no method of moving that much food into a crisis area without some risk of fatal accidents.

    Trump would simply not supply aid at all. His son in law was just on TV salivating over the cheap beach-front property.

    Yes shit sucks. No, you aren't the only ones to notice. Nobody's mad at you for noticing, but dickishness is not a political strategy.