UnironicWarCriminal [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2020

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomainSpeculative conspiracy theory fun time.
    4 years ago

    Everyone. You got called a "bugchaser" if you at all pointed out that lockdown would be like post-9/11 restrictions and would be used as an excuse to hand over control to Big Tech. Everyone thought that this was The Big One, and that the greedy Capitalists would be so spooked that they would simply have to do what we wanted, so no one bothered to actually look at what was effective (like masks, isolated quarantines, mass testing). They just said, yep, shut it down and pay me! It's like a mandatory strike! We won! Everyone will see the light!

    You fucked around, and you found out.

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomainSpeculative conspiracy theory fun time.
    4 years ago

    No, they weren't. Back in March everyone on the Left thought that a lockdown was a great idea because naturally it would convince people that we need UBI and Medicare for All.

    If you pointed out that that was bullshit, and that the actual stated plans of our government was just domestic shock doctrine, you got called a Chud who wants to kill grandma for burgers. No one ever floated programs like universal relief or M4A outside of people who already wanted those things.

    That's what makes me so pissed off. The situation we're in now was completely predictable, and you asked for it!!!

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]torecovery*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    And "prohibition" never came back after the 20s in the USSR. In the 80s, they had "prohibition" where they really just closed some of the shops, raised the price, and started punishing people for showing up to work drunk. Every western country does this to some degree. Hell, look at how Scandinavia handles alcohol sales.

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomainSpeculative conspiracy theory fun time.
    4 years ago

    What do you think "pay people to stay home" looks like?

    We did "pay people to stay home". That's what the CARES act was! Every European country/Canada only paid people who lost their jobs, and they gave less money than $600 USD a week in most cases! Individual states fucked up the execution, the program was there.

    We wasted our lockdown because we didn't build infrastructure, we just thought it would go away if we were good boys and girls. And then we histrionically blamed everyone else for misbehaving when doing nothing didn't work.

    The solution is mass testing, prepping quarantine not at home (most NYC cases were people who stayed home). A lockdown/shutdown is a last resort to buy time. We had weeks in February to prep our infrastructure, and we did jack shit.

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomainSpeculative conspiracy theory fun time.
    4 years ago

    No, it's just been a constant source of frustration to me that people who absolutely fucking know better still fell for the hysteria back in March/April. Until about 3-4 weeks ago, even suggesting that a lockdown would have negative effects (or that it would be a domestic shock doctrine, which it was!) got you labelled as a "Chud" who wants to storm a state capitol for the right to cough on a retail worker or waiter.

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomainSpeculative conspiracy theory fun time.
    4 years ago

    Novel pathogens emerge all the time, and they're only going to get worse because of factory farming and ecological devastation.

    When you cut down forests and replace them with monocultures of animals (most animals for food on factory farms are incredibly genetically similar) you remove the number of steps that it takes for a disease to get from say a wild rainforest bat to human beings. Genetically similar farm animals are also more likely to all be susceptible to the same new diseases.

    Lots of identical animals right next to unexplored regions, then exported all over the world at rapid speeds is basically a ticking time bomb.

    The conspiracy is how the Corporate media tricked every good Leftist into rabidly supporting lockdowns. If you pointed out back in March/April that a lockdown would do nothing for workers and would be an absolute hand out to the bourgeoisie state to make everyone's life permanently more miserable, similar to 9/11, you got called a CHUD who demands being served or who thinks his right to get a burger is more important than a waitress's life.

    A novel disease is like the perfect "left wing 9/11" because it hits our backwalls and G-spot just like a terrorist attack by foreigners hits all the Right's spots.

    All of this shit was entirely predictable. We already watched it happen once before. The difference is this time, it was the Left being morons and servants of the state instead of Islamophobes and war mongers.

  • As late as the 1940s, you could take a train from small Midwest towns pretty much anywhere you wanted to go. My grandparents grew up in small towns/on farms and never had a car as kids. Some of that was the economic, of course, but "lack of being able to get places" was never really something that anybody considered a struggle, because it wasn't! The Iron Horse had you covered, and towns were built so that you could walk, or take the streetcar once they got "big" (as in about 20,000 people)

    There is now zero regular passenger train service unless you're within ~70 miles of Chicago (the "Amtrak" routes almost always get bus substitutes)

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]torecovery*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Full employment+ the government relying on alcohol taxes + a historically problematic relationship with vodka (which was created by the Empire partly as a means of control) + lack of consumer goods to soak up excess money equals lots of drunk/hungover employees and few carrots or sticks or political will to prevent it.

  • UnironicWarCriminal [any]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Matt's thoughts at the last CTH episode was one of the most bleak and out of touch things I've ever heard. Your friends and family already know that there's a more fair and equitable way to distribute resources. They've had experiences that taught them this. They've experieced media that tells them this, before Avatar. They Do. Not. Care.

    They will not care. They've absorbed exactly the same information you have, more than you if you're older, and they do not give a fuck. They are happy with the imperial project, and they want to keep the frontier because they need the fantasy of being a cowboy or superhero, or at least knowing that cowboys and superheroes are out there. If the people you know in real life waking up and just doing the right thing are our only hope, we are so, so fucked.