UrsineApathy [none/use any]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • UrsineApathy [none/use any]toanti_cishet_aktionYeah...
    1 month ago

    There really isn't any native power structures exhibited between pawns. Aside from the obnoxious, slutty, sexually aggressive man behavior(which you're right is stupid and a problem for a lot of reasons) and default marriage names going in favor of the man, gender doesn't actually mean much. The tribal monocultures of each village honestly affects more than any individual pawns traits does.

    You make good points regarding the use of unsupported statistics to push a specific LGBT+ worldview, but some of this criticism is a bit unfair because the player ultimately has full agency of it. If you want a matriarchal tribe of Amazonian goddesses that subjugate all men, you can absolutely do that as a player without any alterations or mods to the game. You would need to use the slavery mechanics which is a whole different can of worms to discuss though.

  • UrsineApathy [none/use any]toanti_cishet_aktionYeah...
    1 month ago

    That used to be the case, but the ace, gay, and bisexual traits were incorporated into the base game code in 1.3 and stopped taking up a trait slot as of 1.4 I think. I don't know if you need a mod to control the frequency though, but I know you can just hard set the trait in the scenario settings when you start a run.

  • I feel this way as well. I always like the idea of playing it more than I like the actual experience. I really appreciate that it's a complex well written and executed story, but I would rather watch a stream of someone playing it than actually play through it myself.

    This happens with a lot of really good crpg's too for me and it really bums me out. I'm probably just weird though.

  • UrsineApathy [none/use any]tomemesmusic genres
    1 month ago

    Idk man, you do have to know subgenres on some level even if it's just vibes based. I have to know enough to communicate that I like Trance and Progressive but fucking hate Drums and Bass(liquid is okay though I guess) at least.

  • Did they stop selling the Doritos locos stuff too or did they just pivot to this extremely similar brand partnership to do capitalism stuff? I feel like they fill too similar of a niche to be in the same place as the same time. I say this as a (homemade) crunch wrap enjoyer who wants it to succeed.

  • What does real opsec look like? Knowing that you are being surveilled when you use any electronic device and not saying things that could incriminate you. Treat electronic devices like you are in a public space

    This the the unfortunate reality that most privacy focused individuals inevitably realize as they narrow down their threat model.

    The lengths that you need to go to to even attempt to have true anonymity are intensely identifying in and of themself because you will be an exceptionally unique user. It's the same fallacy as burning your fingerprints off and it makes you more uniquely recognizable than before under scrutiny.

  • I never had good luck with an electric razor, but a standard 5 blade replaceable razor head has been effective for me because it contours to my legs better. You still need to replace the blades every other week or so depending on how often you shave though so it can be a bit expensive.

    I have moderately thick and curly hair and I used to get horrible irritation and ingrown hairs on my thighs after shaving. The most life-changing thing for me in terms of relieving this was to pick up a glycolic acid chemical exfoliator. I use it once a night before bed and I get almost no irritation or ingrowns any more. This was the brand that came highly recommended. If you're NA you can pick it up at any ULTA for like $10.

  • It sticks out so much too because the entire arc is like three times longer than any other storyline in the series. Then like 80% of it is just waiting patiently for Bug-Cell to be born so they can beat him up. Then the series just ends a few episodes after.

  • and of course the loans at the subsidized rate are not enough to cover costs at an in-state school, so you also have to take out "unsubsidized" loans from the federal government, which are like double the interest rate of the subsidized loans.

    Thank you for saying this because people always conveniently forget this part. I went to a "budget" state school and subsidized loans only covered maybe half of any given semesters tuition and nothing else. If you needed to make rent, eat food or pay for the rest of tuition you needed to find money elsewhere. I worked full-time through school and still barely was able to to survive and had to take additional loans.

  • I started my undergraduate just after the worst of the '08 market crash when rates were also at this level. Saddling a teenager with paying off tens of thousands of dollars at 7.5% interest literally crippled me. These rate increases are just kicking the can down to road to a future generation so that they can espouse headlines that they've done something beneficial while doing nothing to help fix the problem. All of the "forgiveness" pieces we've been seeing are just them fixing the broken promises through the 10 year repayment forgiveness and PLSF programs anyway.

  • Just to be clear, I didn't interpret your advice as anything other than a normal, healthy, and loving affirmation to your partner. I've been in numerous relationships with a partner with an ED (including my current partner for well over a decade now) though and my perspective is colored very differently.