Veganhydride [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2020


  • Here's one perspective:

    Ask yourself: what would an official diagnosis bring you? And what would self-identification bring you? Are there specific issues?

    Going through similar things right now, I feel like I'm probably autistic but I just have zero confidence in choosing that label for myself so I would like some actual confirmation. I have a suspicion I may have subclinical autism or something so that may not help at all.

  • Sorry that happened to you but I'm not sure what that has to do with my comment. We should study the negative side effects of vaccines and take them seriously but two anecdotes outside of a clinical trial is not much more meaningful than a single anecdote. If everybody is vaccinated, you'd expect a bunch of vaccinated people to die or get weird symptoms even if it's completely unrelated to the vaccine. We see patterns everywhere.

  • The fact that vaccines help prevent the spread of disease is offhandedly mentioned at the very end. This is so wild. Isn't herd immunity a concept most people understand? That vaccines aren't just about you personally?

    I'm not high-risk at all and I got my latest booster a few weeks back - upon learning this very shocking fact my GP asked me why in a pretty judgmental way. Same deal when I had to jump through hoops to get my previous booster even though the official government policy in my country was that anyone could get it. Different pharmacies had different interpretations of this very clear policy though and nobody agreed.

    I don't live in constant fear of what COVID will do to me personally, but the vibe I get from practicing health workers I interact with is that I'm weird for caring about getting vaccinated and it's getting to me. Like, am I wrong? I don't think I am.

  • No idea which comments you're talking about, but maybe they just disagree with you? Just repeating the same stuff isn't necessarily going to convince someone - is reciting Leninist theory supposed to be a magic spell to force people to agree with you? If you think it's impossible for somebody to be a communist and oppose Russia in the war, you live in an online bubble.

  • Are they really different types of cuteness? Maybe cows and pigs aren't as cute as Pikachu, but rabbits exist... Not to mention Farfetch'd is pretty much just a duck, and the article is about Lechonk which isn't much cuter than a real pig beyond perhaps the name. And then there's the fact that many real animals killed for food are babies which tend to be viewed as more cute. I just don't really get it.

    And a lot of people have favorite animals too, but you'd be hard-pressed to find an animal nobody has eaten - and not rarely, some of these animals can be regularly eaten by humans without significant outrage from people who love those animals (rabbits, horses).

    (I'm operating under the assumption that we're not discussing the merits of veganism but simply whether or not it should be surprising that people view animals and Pokémon differently - I don't think cuteness or indoctrination are relevant factors when it comes to justifying animal exploitation but they can explain mindsets for sure)