Voidance [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • Kind of a hot take but I think it’s normal for men to have essentially mysoginstic thoughts to some extent, it’s an effect of the patriarchal system/culture and our relations towards women within that system, and also perhaps of the inherent antagonism in relationships. When I say it’s normal I mean it’s basically the default, the mode of thinking that we inherit from society, not that it’s necessarily a natural thing. But it’s something to work through, if your seeing women as somehow especially alien to yourself, or turning individual traumatic experiences into harmful generalisations. From your description it sounds more like a consequence of trauma rather than genuine belief. I would prioritise finding a therapist who doesn’t dismiss your concerns and can help you work through them.

  • Voidance [none/use name]tomoviesDune 2 is awesome holy shit
    4 months ago

    I think it was better than the book, but also I watched it with someone who hadn’t read the book and they were very confused about what was going on in some parts. It’s not very deep but as pure aesthetic spectacle it’s awesome. Like if we really lived in a bread and circuses society the govt would lock Dennis Villeneuve in a room and spend like 5% of gdp making his visions come to life.
    In particular I liked how dreamy the whole thing was, which is how epic movies should feel, like your watching it strung out on opium.

  • I feel like this show is getting worse. The drama elements have always been lazy as fuck. But the first two seasons had a pretty effective satire of capitalism as a system. Now Vought is just a hollowed out shell under Homelander and the connection between Homelander and Trump is becoming really explicit, so the satire seems to be getting more liberal - it’s not superheroes that are the problem, or the ideology they exist in - we just gotta stop Homelander.

    That’s okay, I’ll still keep watching that garbage, because some of the actors are really good at chewing scenery and making the best of what the script gives them - but the show has always felt a bit lazy and it’s starting to feel like it’s running on autopilot now.

  • It’s fine to think about such things, but leftists have a tendency to fall into patterns of thinking that are governed by self-righteousness and victimisation which can be paralysing and counter-productive. The Ancient Greeks used to say that the best thing for a man would be to have never been born at all. It’s an old problem. But we’re here now and we have to do what we can.

  • This is a weird question. There is absolutely no reason to claim settlers would be killed, that isn't what Hamas is fighting for, and they have repeatedly said their opposition is to Zionism not to Jews. To suggest otherwise is the same kind of scaremongering that was used to defend the extension of apartheid in South Africa. In all likelihood Israelis who wanted to stay in Palestine could stay, they just couldn't live in an apartheid ethnostate anymore. As in the case of other former settler states, many would choose to leave of their own accord though

  • I like how in The Road the description of the apocalyptic event is pretty clearly an asteroid but no-one knows what the fuck happened (presumably the govt didn't bother to tell them an asteroid was incoming). There are a bunch of movies about incoming asteroids too - deep impact, one by Abel Ferrara I cant remember the name of, Lars von triers Melancholia, Don't look up. In Ferrara's movie people just take drugs and have sex which I think is probably what id be aiming to do too

  • The therapeutic effect of Ketamine (according to the psychiatric consensus anyway) works independently of the experience of being on Ketamine (in the sense that, it shouldn’t matter if you have some kind of incredible trip or were just knocked out completely - not that that would happen under normal circumstances - but the effect will occur regardless). But by ‘numbing’ I meant to contrast the effects of Ketamine (both in terms of the inner journey while taking it, but also the antidepressant effect afterwards) with more constrictive psychiatric drugs (anti-psychotics for example) which seem to exert beneficial effects precisely because they do numb people psychologically to the point there preoccupations don’t worry them so much anymore.
    Neurogenisis happens all the time. If you run before work, start to feel happier at work, start doing your job better - that’s effectively ‘neurogenisis’ in the sense of creating new pathways. The reason I say it’s unclear how important this is to Ketamine is because pharma companies often claim their drugs work nowdays by neurogenesis, but it’s not necessarily accurate. My understanding is you could dose a patient with heroin and then do a brain scan showing neurogenesis, but that doesn’t necessarily give a good indication of its function or effects. It reminds me a bit of the old serotonin theory of depression/medication which they used to push and which is generally understood as a gross oversimplification nowdays