So nice to be here!
Not a shocker if you just turned 48 like I did. In the 1980s when I was a kid, Reagan was President, and I lived in Maine. My dad’s proposal was to just drop a nuke on the whole region and annihilate the whole area. My dad was so mean. He was trying to keep me from blasting Rock the Casbah on my 45. Must have grated on his nerves.
I’m actually an American that lives in Spain. He is not interesting media-wise. Funny how he’s been arrested other times. With the same results. In Spain he isn’t a headliner. Not a surprise because he doesn’t speak to the Spanish press. You get headlines and attention in Spain if you actually say something to them. Or maybe journalists here are afraid of him?
Wow! You mean other people besides me put Chic and Led Zeppelin on the same playlist? I never met anyone irl that does this except myself. I don’t even need booze to do this. I just do it all the time.
I’m playing Everspace 2 and I want to have the patience to finish it.
Along with willful ignorance shall come willful illiteracy and willful resistance to critically thinking about things. People will just refuse to think altogether and soon nobody will have thoughts.
If you can find a copy of the film, watch it after reading the book. The film shows you visually what the text attempts to capture in writing. Once you understand the whole concept, you’ll no doubt start asking yourself questions like, “what exactly am I doing on the Internet?” Life now is pretty much being spectator and spectated at the same time, now, which the good ol’ Guy probably foresaw, given the nice interaction between the book and the film.
Jeff is back. He still hasn’t heard of The Wall Street Journal, read by capitalists, socialists, communists, the Amish, drug traffickers, et. al.
What irks me is that the people who are willing to pay higher prices for commodities with weak rationales / illogical arguments are sometimes the same ones who think it's OK for people to starve to death because they're poor and would never dream of permitting health care to be universal because it means higher income tax. Lots of "little people" are perfectly content remaining "little" and giving their money away to the "big boys" who already have the big money.
I’d love to multi player with someone from here. My only caveat is that the game isn’t my go-to, so I’m developing a character that’s a piece of shit. If you’re into multiplayer with peeps that suck, here I am!
You have no idea until you just replace me in life. So many dead people, so much money I’ve had to spend on it. Then, the explanations to others about how the money was spent on funeral costs, to people you thought were in your circle of trust. Some of your closest family members, smited by the last will and testament that left them nothing with a pre-paid funeral shall have at it with the pre-paid funeral home. Because nothing says love more than getting rich from loving a dead person.
Pick a party in the executive branch in a time like now. Which one kills her career willfully? If your answer isn’t “pretty much both” you’re in need of what? Less adhd? Maybe you need to be more sexually deviant. Or perhaps you need more adhd.