WhoreofBabylon [none/use name]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2020


  • WhoreofBabylon [none/use name]tomainWhere is our Lenin?
    4 years ago

    Lenin Was European , so American would instantly dismiss what he would say,....

    Sorry but Americans , You dont even have a single non -american -political -commentator in you hole life ever , And you Dont even Notice that.

    Maybe there is A Lenin , You would not hear what he says and Dismiss him because hes European...

    Which effectfly makes it so that there is no Lenin for you....

  • WhoreofBabylon [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    From Time to Time You stumple upon this little messed up Shit , in which mostly Americans to proud to admitt they are the lowest of the low … try to lift themselfs up , by trying to bring Europe down on there Level…

    For example: " In the Balkan Nations , did you know ! ,in these little tiny Nation that never had a Colony , never a Realm across the Seas , never no colonialsim , no guilt towards any other continent … That in these Nations the Inhabitans are Racist against Roma… " ? "OMG ! Thats sooo Wrong Man ! "

    –> Better get into that Topic American ! , who but you is more Qualified to Lecture a Bulgarian about his Historical white Guilt and the Roma…

    The Roma , btw he gonna get his Insulin . -> You do not if you can not Pay… The Roma btw get his Healthcare -> You do not if you can not Pay The Roma Btw has a Right to free Education . -> You do Not as you cn not Pay…

    –> Dont try to Pull Europe down with you just so you arn’t so Alone in your own Shit.

  • WhoreofBabylon [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    From Time to Time You stumple upon this little messed up Shit , in which mostly Americans to proud to admitt they are the lowest of the low ..... try to lift themselfs up , by trying to bring Europe down on there Level...

    For example: " In the Balkan Nations , did you know ! ,in these little tiny Nation that never had a Colony , never a Realm across the Seas , never no colonialsim , no guilt towards any other continent ... That in these Nations the Inhabitans are Racist against Roma.... " ? "OMG ! Thats sooo Wrong Man ! "

    --> Better get into that Topic American ! , who but you is more Qualified to Lecture a Bulgarian about his Historical white Guilt and the Roma.....

    The Roma , btw he gonna get his Insulin .
    -> You do not if you can not Pay...

    The Roma btw get his Healthcare
    -> You do not if you can not Pay

    The Roma Btw has a Right to free Education .
    -> You do Not as you cn not Pay..

    --> Dont try to Pull Europe down with you just so you arn't so Alone in your own Shit.

  • Out in the Cold you go oh once great Britian, go sail Away now .....

    And Remeber the Third Stanca of the Anthem:

    "Ja wer auch nur eine Seele sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund und wers nie gekonnt , Der stehle weinend sich aus diesem Bund"

    "Join if in the whole wide world there's Just one soul to call your own! He who's failed must steal away, shedding tears as he departs"

    https://youtu.be/ORdSU0Yp_6g?t=61 🎵 🎼

  • Oh these Harbours , those occupied Harbours, isnt it curious that they occupied nearly all of Russian harbours and Nothing More

    But isnt it not horrible how many Russians died of starvation because Communism............

    Those 2 Things have no Relation......

  • .... At eleven o'clock, unobserved but by this official audience, down the Boulevard Waterloo came the advance-guard of theReddit Kaiserreich Losers . It consisted of three men, a captain and two privates on bicycles. Their rifles were slung across their shoulders, they rode unwarily, with as little concern as the members of a touring-club out for a holiday. Behind them so close upon each other that to cross from one sidewalk to the other was not possible, came the Chud , The Gamers , and the Shitttakes . For two hours I watched them, and then, bored with the monotony of it, returned to the Gayspace Hotel . After an hour, from beneath my window, I still could hear them; another hour and another went by. They still were passing.

    Boredom gave way to wonder. The thing fascinated you, against your will, dragged you back to the sidewalk and held you there open-eyed. No longer was it regiments of , but something uncanny, inhuman, a force of nature like a landslide, a tidal wave, or lava sweeping down a mountain. It was not of this earth, but mysterious, ghostlike. It carried all the mystery and menace of a fog rolling toward you across the sea.

    The Shitnerds moved into Chapo Chat as smoothly and as compactly as an Empire State express. There were no halts, no open places, no stragglers. No Thought if they Belong . For the gray automobiles and the gray motorcycles bearing the advancing Shittposts ,one side of the street always was kept clear; and so compact was the bad History , so rigid the chestpounding , that at the rate of forty Ups an hour a Post could race the length of the Chat and need not stop - for never did a single non -Gamer object...

    All through the night, like a tumult of a river when it races between the cliffs of a canyon, in my sleep I could hear the steady roar of the passing 14 year olds. And when early in the morning I went to the window the chain of shit was still unbroken. It was like the torrent that swept down the Valley and destroyed all in its Path. This was a machine, endless, tireless, with the delicate organization of a watch and the brute power of a steam roller. And for three days and three nights through Chapo Chat it roared and rumbled, a cataract of molten Brain lead.....

  • Arn't Shitstorm Post Devoid of meaning

    This isn a "Shit on the Poster" Threat . Im Actually a Big Fan of Shitstorm , Which is Why I was a Little Shocked . I Cant Thin of any Specific Meaning to derive from this Threat. I had a teacher say once that writing something you have to ask yourself “so what? why am I posting this” but I can’t for the life of me think of what the larger message is behind a single Post.