100% pure unfiltered decorum. Libs are healing.
I'm on a mission from God
100% pure unfiltered decorum. Libs are healing.
Is that a ham radio setup? Looks like he might be doing packet radio.
Read a book once from a 70's LA studio musician and they were saying eagles,stealy dan, fleetwood mac, zevon, doobie brothers were all close friends and used the same studio musicians on all their albums. Iirc it was the guy that did the famous lead guitar track on realin in the years
skill issue gotta stick the landings on those genocides
I just thought of something terrifying. Not only do we have trump as president again but we have to hear from his insufferable children for 4 years.
I need one of these for my Camry
lol. lmao, even.
extremely offline
lmao democratic underground. I think they go back to the naughts. It's like getting in a time machine and traveling back to the Jurassic. Social forum software based on ECMAscript R 0.3
Thanks for the link she's awesome. New favorite youtuber. I just finished the 'What Astrophysicists Think About Aliens' and her analysis of the Drake equation was excellent.
I learned it thru EE but I’ve always been aware that it is a much larger field of study. Its so pervasive it seems like it reveals something fundamental about the nature of reality kind of like how probability theory permeates all of the important scientific advances of the 20th century. I’m gonna have to do a deep dive on cybernetics now.
So in EE signals and system analysis you have a system with an input and an output. You smack it with an impulse input and you get an output response. The output can be separated into a transient response and a steady state response. The transient goes away and the ss response remains. You use this info to get characteristic equation of system which can then be used to determine the response of the system to other inputs, determine stability and other useful stuff.
I think about system control every time someone mentions communism doesn’t take human nature into consideration. So your saying in order to control humans greedy resource hoarding nature you are going to control it with a greedy system? Good luck with that positive feedback.
Positive feedback? Ha ha thanks for the compliment bud your lookin pretty good yourself.
No not that kind of positive feedback it means literal positive and negative. If your input to the system is blowing up positive you need to feedback a negative portion of the output back into the input thereby bringing the input to the system down and stabilizing the output or vice versa.
I’m also thinking about systems where the USA is a linear(maybe) system and the inputs are natural and man made events and the American system has a characteristic equation and response to these events. At least since 9/11 the response is to print trillions of $$$ and distribute it top down to the half way point effectively paying half of Americans to murder the other half. 15 trillion print on 9/11, 8 trillion print in 2008 bank crash and recently 8 trillion print for covid and things like BLM, masking or anti-masking etc being the transient response and war in Ukraine and Middle East as part of USA’s characteristic response. I dunno I'm just rambling now none of this answers your question about using control systems for economics I'm gonna have to do some research.
According to wikipedia Aldi Nord owns USA Aldi's and Trader Joes but says they operate them separately and Aldi Sud owns Winn-dixie and Harveys. They both own Aldi's in Germany which must be confusing because even their logos look similar. I've heard one of the Aldi's in Germany is considered upscale so maybe the good German Aldi's is owned by Aldi Sud.
If you feel like going on a wild ride google 'Fat Leonard'
I might have to try that. 500 100mg tabs on amazon for $9.99 and if avg cup has 100mg than 500 cups vs 30 cups for a lb of coffee
I hear that thunderfoot (don't look that up) broke his brain on Brexit and Covid so now he's back on center-left but likely still a misogynist. Dawkins, Ham Sarris, Shermer, Jillete et al. just got old and feeble or outright ded like Randii and Dennett. They only pop in now and then to say something like "more jews won nobel prizes than muslims so we should exterminate all muslims" which they've been doing since GWOT
Mozambique gave France's Total Energy control over the extraction process
In 2017 Mozambique received gas developement bids (power plants, fertilizer, plastics etc) from 14 companies and chose 3 of them:
Norway’s Yara International
UK's GL Africa Energy
USA's Shell Mozambique
Doesn't appear to have any Russia or China involvement. An islamist insurgancy started in Cabo Delgado Province around 2017. I'm sure it's a complete coincidence the worlds largest NG reserve is also located in Cabo Delgado Province.