• 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2020


  • Spring. Not too hot, sun is out, things are green, lovely time of the year. Autumn is also nice, similar stuff to like, but overall, I don't like the muddy ground and weather as much. Winter is nice temperature-wise, but the lack of sun messes with me. Summer is... unavoidable, unfortunately :/

  • The expiration date - unless it's a different legal definition where you are from - is not really about being edible, but just signifies the guarantee the producer gives, basically "up until this date we will guarantee this product will maintain the expected quality". In this case, I think it will be them not guaranteeing that the salt won't have drawn water from the air and clumped up or something like that.

  • By now, Lemmy, hands down. I do sometimes end up on reddit from searching for stuff, and I check every now and then if I got any messages on my old accounts just in case someone wants to reach out, but overall - even without niche communities, Lemmy is just the better experience for me, personally.

  • This is great news and has potential to shift perceptions and introduce the concept to a broader audience. However, quick reminder that a worker coop that is not connected to a broader movement to overcome capitalism at its root is still beholden to market dynamics (actually, it will always be that to some extent) and in the worst case can even fuel self-identification of people with their role as an exchange-value-producer.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlts moment
    4 months ago

    Well, here I was, wondering when EverQuest had added the protagonist of Space Quest to their game at some point, taking an embarassing amount of time before realising what this is actually saying.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml
    togamedevPlaced 3rd at my first game jam!
    4 months ago

    Yeah, I tried to balance that a bit with the "quick finish" bonus - but I am thinking of revisiting it after my current game jam project (due at the end of may), to make it more proportional to how quick you are instead of just being a flat bonus. Although, I was also thinking that it may work as sort of a "they took their time interacting with me"-thing. For the confused customer, I viewed it as sort of increasing their satisfaction by being patient with them.

    By the way - the game should save progress, so if you want to revisit it and play to the end, you can do so any time. Don't want to spoil anything, but I got pretty good reactions in reviews for the ending ^^

    Oh, and thank you so much for playing and taking the time to give feedback, it really means a lot to me <3<3

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml
    togamedevPlaced 3rd at my first game jam!
    4 months ago

    Thank you! <3 If Hexbear/you ever does/do another mini game jam, count me in! The one I joined advertised itself as for beginners, so with my first game finished just a few days before, I joined that one, and it was great.

    I did have a time in my childhood when I created silly "choose your own adventure" style "games" in BASIC with a friend, that exclusively worked with PRINT and IF/ELSE, and never had anything but 3 choices of which 2 kill you. I also fooled around with RPG Maker XP and the Warcraft 3 map editor a lot as a teenager. All of that was long before I had internet access (my parents were quite late on that one), so it was mostly just fooling around with little resources to get better and learn more.

    I have some training in programming, but no real professional experience, but did enjoy amateur programming as a hobby for a long time in my life. Art, music and sound, I have no experience whatsoever, game design only from playing way too many games myself and above phases of fooling around.

    I'd recommend game jams, targeted at beginners, for everyone wanting to get into game dev after my own experience. It's completely different from just making anyhting and throwing it into the void - when you instead have some guiding theme, a time limit and the guarantee of at least some people looking at what you made and giving some feedback.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml
    togamedevPlaced 3rd at my first game jam!
    4 months ago

    Thank you so much <3

    It really was an amazing experience, I can only recommend it to any devs wanting to jump over their own shadows and commit to something, getting good feedback along the way.

    Am already knee-deep in my next jam :D