Xette [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2020

  • Xette [they/them]tochapotraphouseInfoSec is my passion
    8 months ago

    Context is that a person in Texas was charged with threatening to, "slaughter," FBI agents in response to the ongoing Hunter Biden probe. Details start at the end of page 2 under the Statement of Facts section here:
    CW for slurs and the like, as one can imagine: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.391024/gov.uscourts.txnd.391024.1.0.pdf

    These phone calls and text messages were sent from the person's personal phone directly to an FBI agent.

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  • Maybe because she's consistently had dogshit takes about non-binary people or how we're taking "transness" too far:

    Before anyone jumps in with the, "But she's made x y z videos claiming she supports these people," you can claim whatever you want all day. Doesn't really matter if your actions don't back that up. Just how my mom's a lib that keeps insisting she's my ally, but in the next sentence will go on about how it/its pronouns are dehumanizing and refuses to use them.

  • Xette [they/them]togamesKerbal Space Program 2 - Intro Video
    2 years ago

    I've avidly played the first game, but have chosen not to purchase the second one as of yet based upon what I've seen. $50 is far too steep for early access, especially given the features missing from the game at present (including features currently in the first game) as well as the myriad amount of bugs with the game. I think that a lot of people went in expecting it to be KSP1 2.0 until the features came out. If it was like that I'd say it'd be an easy purchase, but in its current state I doubt it's going to retain anyone that currently owns KSP1. Personally, I'd say you should check back in on the game when they reach a landmark you're interested in such as colonies or interstellar travel to see if it's been smooth'd out.