ZZ_SloppyTop [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2022


  • You will never be introspective will you? It’s literally impossible for you to be wrong.

    This is why you have this reputation. You could have proven these users wrong by having a normal conversation with me instead of immediately going for an attack and avoiding all introspection or admission of any fault whatsoever.

    Many of these people criticizing you are trans, look at their user names.

  • Literally dozens of examples of “people said so” starts to add up when those people saying so are the ones you are attempting to recruit.

    I don’t have a verified Reddit account to access GZD anymore but if you do, search “chapo.chat” or “hexbear” and you will see what I mean

  • How could I know what specific instances commenters on other sites are referring to?

    GZD also had heavy moderation and banned liberals and wreckers, yet their mods do not have your reputation. Seems they are more tolerant of dissent or more accurate in their targets.

    Materialism is when you argue online and have specific examples instead of general sentiment. What is this point even?

    Do you see how you are getting increasingly angry at me for voicing criticism? Just ban me already and prove my point.

  • Your arrogance and dismissive attitude surely isn’t alienating though? Insulting random commentators immediately.

    Look, I’m just the messenger here. I have plugged this site on GZD and ALWAYS get responses complaining about the mods. Take that as you will but it’s a fact that is your reputation among the online left if they have ever heard of this site at all

  • What is it you people even want?

    Because half the time you are saying you need to reach out to other leftist communities and onboard them, and the other half you are bitching about how sectarian those communities are and how their cultures are incompatible and they need to change to fit your standards.

    You don’t want to grow, you obviously want to forever remain a small clique or else you would be more open to autonomy and accommodations and compromise for different federated subgroups.

    It’s fine if you want to forever remain a small clique on here and never grow or onboard anyone, but just admit that to yourselves instead of acting like a big tent when in fact you are one of the most ban happy and culturally-enforced groups on the internet

  • It’s not about “deserved” what is with this pseudo-righteous moralist tone?

    It’s about whether you want to be pragmatic and have GZD here or not. If you don’t want them here, fine. Just say that. Cut this shit about how you want them here but also won’t tolerate their culture.

    Tolerate them or don’t, I don’t care it’s your site. Just letting you know that your plans of merging the sites or whatever will never work unless you hand over some autonomy to them to retain their culture

  • Example: they would need a com where they can shitpost, be sectarian and be rowdy because that is the culture of GZD. This sub cares much more about policing tone and avoiding sectarianism, GZD is more similar to the original CTH sub where rude arguments are allowed and encouraged

  • In addition to this, the upward pressure that proletarians apply to value is that they resist exploitation to some degree. Slaves, machines and animals do not push back against their exploitation.

    Why is this relevant? Absent any proletarian resistance (in a FALGSC system or a slave society) the cost of a commodity would purely be the cost of inputs. There is no surplus value in a post-scarcity system. Everything is at-cost, even if they still used markets to organize production and distribution.

    When proletarians demand a wage for their time, and later demand certain wage increases or benefits, this creates an increased cost to all producers in that system. A large cost that can be reduced to increase surplus value. The more ruthless and exploitative a producing employer is, the more comparative advantage they have over the other producing employers. Thus we can see how surplus value is linked inherently to the degree of exploitation of its proletarian workforce.

    The flip side of course is that proletarians want high wages and low commodity prices, a contradictory arrangement. The also enforce this downward force on their own wages when they seek a cheap commodity. The downward force on their wages drives them to further seek cheap commodities. It’s a feedback loop and this is why the rate of profit falls. The entire system enforces a downward force on proletarian wages, and proletarian wages are where profits (surplus value) arises from.

    This is one of the inherent contradictions of the capitalist system