Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]

  • 101 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • The MLM acronym can be confusing but these are the most common ones:
    • Multi-Level Men (very tall)

    • Multi-Loving Men (they're poly)

    • Men Loving Marketing

    • Multi-Lenin Marketing (they sell Lenin memorabilia)

    • Multi-Linen Marketing (they sell bedsheets sets and are locked in a fierce copyright dispute with the above)

    • Marxists Loving Maoists

    • Marxists Loving Marketing

    • Marxist-Leninist Men (weirdly exclusionary term but ok)

  • Neither, really. They were banned for "sustained hostility," a fair bit after that big thread where they got dogpiled. They got into the mindset of "me against the site" and got really combative over every little thing, always looking to pick fights and push contentious angles. I had a bit more sympathy for them than most, but at a certain point getting them off the site was probably better for them.

    The final straw was that they started going around saying stuff like: "he/him, man detected, opinion discarded," but it was really more about the sustained hostility.

  • I've even tried to HELP vegans by giving them useful tips on how to advance their cause, like, "Never bring it up under any circumstances," or, "Stop making people feel bad by bringing up the consequences of their actions," or, "Why don't you try eating meat sometimes in order to be more relatable to non-vegans?" But they never listen to me! It's like they completely write off what I'm saying just because I fundamentally disagree with everything they stand for and all of my advice essentially boils down to "Shut up and go sit quietly in a corner." Clearly this proves that they don't actually care about advancing their cause and just want to congratulate themselves and feel like they're better than everyone just because they're objectively reducing the amount of suffering in the world.

  • Tankie Jon Stewart (Chat-GPT)

    "Alright, folks, let's talk about Stalin and his grand tour of Europe. Now, I know what you're thinking – Stalin, really? But hear me out. The guy had a vision, and he wasn't afraid to make some bold moves to see it through. I mean, sure, he stopped at Berlin, but why stop there? Why not keep on truckin' and spread the revolution like wildfire across the continent? Think about it – a communist Europe, from Lisbon to Moscow. It's like the Red Wedding, but without all the backstabbing and betrayal. Sure, there would've been some logistical challenges along the way, but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. And think of the perks – no more Cold War, no more NATO, just one big happy socialist family. So yeah, maybe Stalin missed a golden opportunity to shake things up a bit, but hey, hindsight's 20/20, right? So let's raise a glass to what could've been, and who knows, maybe one day, someone else will pick up where he left off. Cheers to the road not taken, comrades."

  • The execution van, also called a mobile execution unit, was developed by the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC)[citation needed] and was first used in 1997.[citation needed] The prisoner is strapped to a stretcher and executed inside the van.[citation needed] The van allows death sentences to be carried out without moving the prisoner to an execution ground.

    The vans also require less staffing, requiring four people to assist with the injection and are mobile.[citation needed] The PRC states [citation needed] that the vans are more humane than previous forms of execution.

    That may be the highest [citation needed] density I've ever seen.