_else [she/her,they/them]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    what im saying is "bad news: the heater broke. mixed news: the radiator broke, and im now running the heater to warm up the inside of the car so we don't have to stop. but at least we're warm!" is critical support for the (now broken) radiator. which in this metaphor is the chinese government.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I literally said *there are no good guys in history. if there were; we wouldn't be here."

    and uncritical support of a state going capitalist and turning away from socialism? yeah that's stupid. tankies who do that uncritically are not acting in their right minds. its a serious fucked up problem and I think ML's should fucking do better. we all know how capitalism goes, so why are you people sucking its dick so rabidly?

    its not that a lot of anarchists are parroting americanisms, it's that a lot of americans are juuuuuuuust starting to be babby anarchists and start adopting/appropriating our stuff. its a messy time, and maybe it's what building sympathy looks like.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    they were more strictly organized, lost the international forces when they decided they needed to fucking hierarchalize everything rather than letting them just operate as their own side thing (they could, at LEAST, have been useful idiots), killed morale, etc. "more organized" is not "better organized". im not saying either tactic would have necessarily won; i don't know enough about the military history of the conflict, and what I know of the political history of it always put it at long odds, but the soviets fucked up big and throw away buckets of assets in a specifically tankie sort of way.

    wait, a big army of assorted leftists FIGHTING FASCISTS IN A PROXY WAR AGAINST HITLER AND MUSSOLINI didn't deserve... well that says a lot of what the soviets (in your mind) actually stand for, doesn't it?

    and yeah, maybe if half your army is anarchists and volunteers who literally came across the ocean to join you, a strict soviet style structure isn't the smartest fucking move

    fucking libs, as long as they're gonna keep fighting, deserve support against fascists.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    see, i don't repeat "western" talking points. imperialism bad. militaries bad. foreign militaries are NO LESS BAD because of red flags. pooh bear bad for continuing to entrench capitalism in formerly socialist china, while slowly gutting the socialism, and you people just suck his dick because the capitalism there is still in the early phase where it still has something to prove, is still bribing the workers to let go of the means of fucking production, is still getting its filthy fucking tentacles around their fucking souls.

    sometimes, the americans and english storm normandy to do some very necessary murder of fascists, even if it's for entirely the wrong reasons. sometimes, the CIA kills someone whose death actually makes the world a better place (just by the law of statistics it's gotta happen pretty often) even if they cause an entire regional of the world to become more skeptical of vaccines and foreign medical aid in general. sometimes, a general atomics reaper drone blows up a schoolbus that bad a future hitler on it (making two more future hitlers, because means are ends)

    ive been pursued harassed by local police. I've been attacked by white nationalists. the CIA is basically the devil to me, not just in ideals, but part of my personal childhood fucking trauma. and part of their propaganda? is seeming like they're more competent than they are. is appearing to be everywhere. it's a fucking panopticon gambit, and you're falling for it. read some fucking theory. as competent as some of their monsters are (and some are!) they are not all powerful, and even their best are prone to failure. if there are plants in your organization, they're more likely assets than agents, and that says more about your supposed people than it does about them.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    its not that ML's historically criticize anarchists, it's that they historically kill anarchists, or tell us we're disorganized children and to shut the fuck up and take charge of everything and let spain fall to fascism when an anarchist structure with soviet support would have done a much better job stopping that.

    kill. like with murder. i feel like that's worse. if you can't find it in the history books, perhaps it's because you weren't looking?

    and no, modern comunists are not the flawed fucked up assholes of old. but if we're talking about history, lets not white-wash anything. everybody sucked. everybody. every. single. fucking. person. if there were good guys, we wouldn't be here. so shut the fuck up and stop pretending your intellectual forebears are "pure" or some shit. work on the ideas. dissect the ideas. find a less awful way forward, and suck less IN THE WAYS YOU THINK MOST EFFECTIVE FOR DOING THAT, and don't pitch your 'enlightenedcentrism' shit to anarchists; we're like the worst people for that.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    oh my god she so is. like, wow does that woman know how to... bake a delicious wholesome cake for entirely platonic friendtime activity which was exactly how I always planned to end this sentence.

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    the criticism is mostly words too, so maybe both are weak statements of 'yep, those aren't the top priority problems, and they're currently being problems for some of the other problems, so fuck them but we have other shit to do.;

  • _else [she/her,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    this is why I mostly avoided school and go.. no it's not, it's because if you're enough of a dissident problem child they will literally kick you out and sputter for excuses. be a good parent; tell your daughter that on any day she's not kicked out of school for something that isn't either nonviolent or hilarious, or can't cite something she got away with that was awesome, she's...

    grounded or something. and only gets to use her devices via ssh from an ancient piece of shit running, like, slackware or a version of arch she has to configure herself or something.