altacus [none/use name]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020

  • altacus [none/use name]tomainlol
    4 years ago

    Knock Knock, Nobody’s Home!

    Sleepy Joe Biden said he would only serve one term, but will he make it that far? Judging his recent behavior as an example, I think it’s unlikely. Joe’s last press conference was a disaster. He has low energy. He’s easily confused. When he speaks, his age shows. He mumbles and dithers as he tries to summon up facts from a worn out rolodex that is his mind. He couldn’t even recall the name of his Defense Secretary.

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    The Biden regime was installed because the ruling caste knew he could easily be manipulated. Biden is thoroughly corrupt and will do as he’s instructed. Those pulling his strings don’t care if we know they stole the election and installed Joe. They don’t care if we know he’s a man whose mental skills are in marked decline. A confused old man with outright dementia is now in nominal charge of our country and the nuclear button. As long as Joe rubber stamps the globalists’s game plan, he will continue to get a pass from their mainstream media.

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    Biden should retire and enjoy his family and the fruits of his ill-gotten games from years of corruption. Instead, we get to see his geriatric self embarrass himself and our country.

    Biden is not my president. He is just “Resident” Biden.


    —Ben Garrison

  • 你个狗屁 白痴 肏你妈的屄 你二大爷的 蠢豬 你应该为自己感到羞耻 笨蛋Simpleton 废话 蠢蛋Fool 二百五 人渣 处男Virgin 沒用 肏你妈Fuck your Mother 请删除您的帐户Delete your Account 生舊叉燒都好過生你! Racist智障呀 大脑进水 去吃大便Eat Shit 傻瓜 傻子 废人 废物 孬种 无用 饭桶 去下地狱 放你妈的屁 你在讲什么屁话Get this bullshit out of here

  • altacus [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    The one before the last one is W i think

    found a clue on his website

    Even Steve Daines, the Montana junior senator whom I voted for, turned on Trump.

    so one of them is probably Steve Daines