trans tankie

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • It somewhat comes across like the poster may have a history of potentially controversial posts or comments? Regardless, I personally can't say I have a very sophisticated perspective on this matter; there are much better takes out there, but in case mine could inspire or influence someone regardless:

    I am personally fine with neopronouns and other extensions of neogenders, etc. This can be primarily exemplified or justified with the main desire or comfort of the person making be request, which comes at remotely no cost or inconvenience to a potential speaker.

    I would argue that any other stance on this is practically inane. Those who feel themselves inconvenienced by having to use a certain name or a pronoun for a person, and then proceed to call the person making this request a "snowflake", are in fact the snowflakes themselves.

    This topic has however been greatly denounced by social media through targeted remarks that thematize gender identity as a whole. The primary example of this would be posts showcasing persons getting riled up after their neopronouns or neogenders are not respected, or absurd mockery where one insensibly 'identifies' as an a 'helicopter, animal, etc'.

    Those kind of posts are usually found in very irrational circumstances, such as the implication of a person raging out over the fact that they weren't referred to by [insert strange-appearing pronoun here]. A significant amount of those situations are fabricated for the purpose of hilarity (serving the same audience who will watch "Karen gets epicly owned compilations" after coming home from high school) and denouncing the validity of the LGBTQ+ community through supposed "bad actors".

    At the same time, it also isn't out of the question that a person could legitimately have an exaggerated reaction over something like this, but again, their actions are often depicted as being representative of the entire community, which they are absolutely not.

    I believe another imposition behind neogenders, xenogenders, etc.; is that they would serve as an eventual lead-up to the abolishment of the perception of gender, gender roles, and so on. This is a cause that I would fundamentally support, as I am personally against the concept of the "indoctrination" that people go through.

    To exemplify the latter: there is no inherited condition for boys to "hate" pink, or having the urge to become bodybuilders and know how to change a car tire. It is the result of cultural evolution being misconstrued where one's fate and personality is now predetermined by a 50-50 genetical coin-toss that people feel obliged to uphold.

    It's ultimately a toxic manifestation of societal expectations and I am strictly against the suppression of sentiments and feelings only for the sake of upholding conservative traditions and the ludicrous barriers established between genders that serve no practical purpose.

    Neogenders, etc. serve as an adaptation to the current gender-dependent state of society, where individuals attempt to formalize and construe something that conforms to their identity; which is, in my opinion, completely fine.

  • Well, they are trying to gaslight you. The primary principle behind religion/religious indoctrination is pretty much gaslighting to begin with; you also said it yourself: "your parent thinking you're possessed".

    It's obvious their intent is to bring you to bend to what they want, regardless of the means; but it's not something that you have to give into. Stick to your thoughts. Keep being yourself and do whatever you need to do to keep yourself going until you manage to get things back in order.

    You already mentioned it yourself in your own post: the statements and ideas pushed forward by the church itself are so irrational that it's almost difficult to believe. As long as you keep your sanity, you're going to be fine. You know who you are and what defines you, not them, and they can't tell you otherwise. This statement is never wrong.

    Just make sure you prioritize your safety and well-being before anything else that could hazard it. I personally for example still live with my primarily liberal and conservative family; there are some religious influences going around as well, i.e. to the extent of having crosses and other symbols all over.

    I don't intend on coming out to them until I manage to move out (very soon) and at which point I know I will be able to properly continue my transition while staying safe. Even if this means staying silent when it comes to talking politics or gender, I simply just keep my own thoughts and get by however I can.

    I'd recommend you do something similar where you just make sure you're safe and then keep looking into your transition and being out once it's a good idea to.

  • Poland is definitely not one of the greatest countries to be in with regard to this kind of situation. What your parents are doing is indeed terrible, and if this experience could tell you anything, is that human beings are absolutely not as bound by blood as idioms tend to portray.

    What I recommend you do is backpedal. There sadly is nothing of benefit that could come from you continuing to hold this position to your parents, considering they would continue to coerce you with the harmful things they are doing.

    Try and work and grow toward becoming independent without having to rely on your parents, whether that means getting a job, moving out, being able to possibly move out to another country as you possibly progress, and so on. The situation you are in is undoubtedly difficult and hard, but it is not the end of the world.

    Your light would have to be the possibility to break free from the control of your parents, and that's exactly what you have to work with. As bad as it may sound, you did get forced back into the closet and you have to play your cards right, considering this is a matter of you essentially surviving.

    Do whatever keeps you sane and try to improve your relationship with them for as long as you have to be under their control. You could go as far as saying that you only had some 'stupid thought that is now gone', that you had a 'revelation', some kind of 'message from God' or whatever else that could bring their image of you back to a positive one.

    As they appear to be fanatically religious, based on what you mentioned, you could most certainly say you just recently had a dream that 'brought you to light' and they'd absolutely buy it. It might help you defuse the situation to some extent and regain their trust, which can pave the way to you moving out to study or work or get in a position that frees you.

    Your own thoughts and ideas can be kept to yourself until you manage to move on from their control. Keep in mind that the situation you are in is not your fault; those are simply narcissistic and fanatical parents—there sadly are plenty and enough of them in the world.

    They were faced with a choice of supporting their child and living a healthy life together, or spending their last days in a nursing home, alone, all because some metaphysical spirit is telling them to. They chose the latter, and the only loss is theirs, I can promise you that. Stay strong.