• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • angrytoadnoises@lemmygrad.mltochapotraphouseHell world
    4 months ago

    literal ghoulish depictions of the image of man dreamed up by the soulless

    i hate thumbnails. i hate search engine optimization. i hate algorithms. i miss feeling like people on the internet were ever at all genuine

  • anarchism is a handy tool for radicalization. lots of people get attracted to the cool aesthetics of anarchism and that feeling of intellectual superiority you get when you can recite some obscure untested and unfounded political theory

    so it's ineffective outside of the individual's ego but it does position them firmly against capital and modern statehood. if you sit in that long enough you start to build genuine hatred for the status quo. genuine hatred leads to genuine curiosity which leads to actually reading theory and uncovering the utterly absurd idealism of anarchist theory

    this isn't like a codified pipeline and anarchist theory still poisons the well of a lot of western leftist discussion, but most commies I know in real life had personal brushes with anarchism in their past. and if all else fails they're still useful idiots when things get spicy. that whole 'you're alright now, it's after the revolution we'll have problems' meme.

  • it's not your fault that sort of crushing labor is poisonous to your soul. we're all a product of our material conditions and yours are different to others.

    i struggled a lot with work myself, feeling useless for most of my life because i couldn't enjoy or even tolerate most types of labor that were available to me. there was no easy solution for me but it's not an impossible situation to escape.

    the support you're going to get from your comrades on grad won't be as helpful as support you can get from your co-workers or other people immediate in your life. when I worked a factory, we had union reps visiting throughout the week. even just talking to those guys made me feel sane, though the trade union situation in my local area meant they weren't effective help, they were firm commies (that just couldn't say so in as many words.)

  • angrytoadnoises@lemmygrad.mltochatBuild-a-Bear After Dark
    4 months ago

    Haha, that's good stuff. I guess selling horribly overpriced bears to parents isn't a sustainable model, so gag gifts are the next best thing.

    Yes, your Build-a-Bear™ Zaddy© shirt makes me want to change my bear into it's You Turn Me On© shirt.

  • my time working in a factory was similarly crushing, though, i always believed that if the job had paid well enough and considered me as a person and not a number on the floor, i would prefer manual labor over the mindless white collar shit i'm doing now. but we'll never be in a position where labor workers are compensated entirely for the body and soul crushing work they're expected to do, so i'll never be in a factory again.

    hopefully, anyway.

  • I think there's something to be said about raising kids in a Marxist environment, though. Even if they grow up and have a fundamental disinterest in that sort of thing, you've normalized Marxist thought and maybe even warded off some brainwashing from capital. That's a powerful thing, making even one to three new people who believe Marxism to be normal and logical in the west.