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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I cannot stand turn based combat and generally avoid RPG's these days and even I think this is a ridiculous take.

    I don't own BG3 but I've played at a friend's place and that game is about a thousand levels deeper than Starfield. If you like RPG's and mucking around with dice whilst you play computer games, BG3 is a god damn masterpiece.

  • Yeah, I 100% owe both of those movies a re-watch just based on what yourself and /u/azazaridanger@lemmy.villa-straylight.social have said. I liked the vibe of both but as I said, they somehow just felt like cheap copies of master works.

    Dune I think my main issues were pacing and casting. Just generally what they did to some of the characters. I read a couple of Dune books again over the last few years as excitement built around the upcoming film.

    They really did my boy Paul Atreides dirty by casting Chalamet in the role. Paul is not supposed to be a simpering, anxious boy...

    With that said, the world of Frank Herbert's Dune is one that has proved impossibly difficult to adapt to screen over the years and in terms of overall world building and feel this is by far the closest to hit the mark for the overall world I think. I just feel they missed the mark entirely with some of the characters to the overall detriment of the story and spent a lot of screentime on scenes that don't contribute a great deal whilst ignoring a lot of good source material entirely.

    I'm going to track down all of the apes movies and spent a weekend on these and re-watching Dredd, BR2049 and Dune. Been a while since I had a proper movie day! Good chats, all. Thanks for the ted talk ;p

  • Arrival!! I was searching my brain for that one and couldn't dig it out. Such a great movie! You have just convinced me that I need to re-watch Siciario with an open mind and try again.

    Blade runner is certainly worthy of a re-watch too but I was pretty disappointed at the cinema. I'm a huge fan of both the original Blade Runner and Philip K Dick. 2049 might grow on me with repeated viewings but on initial viewing it just didn't hit the mark for me. Same goes for Dune for very similar reasons. Like facsimile of great films; all the ingredients are present but they just haven't resulted in a succulent meal.

    It's a similar story for me with the Tarantino movies from this era. Sure, they're better than most films but they aren't in the same league as Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, Kill Bill or even Jackie Brown for me and as a result they feel like a massive step backwards.

    Fury Road stands alone as a great movie. Unfortunately for me I was raised on Mad Max! Growing up in Australia the first 3 Mad Max movies are pretty much required viewing to get a glimpse of our imminent future and fury road just doesn't fit into this canon. Again great movie, but it's just an action movie with a dude named Max in it. Imagine making a Mad Max movie without Mel Gibson?!

    I can acknowledge Jordan Peele's enormous talent as a director (and writer, producer, actor, comedian...shit don't tell me he sings as well?!) but this Netflix type of schlock is just not for me. Entry-level social commentary dressed up as a horror movie? Come on, show us what you can really do.

    I'm pretty surprised to see the Jump Street movies in your list! I don't generally bother watching anything Jonah Hill is in. I find him completely without talent on screen. In general, he plays characters that make my skin crawl but they're all eerily close to his actual personality. He doesn't seem to understand the core concept of acting. You know, where you pretend to be the person you are portraying in the film or play. I feel like he needs to watch this clip on repeat until he stops ruining perfectly good movies. I can't look at him. https://youtu.be/m5CX00i4uZE

    I will set about catching up on the rest of your list. Again seeing the Apes movies in the list is a surprise but I'll give them and the rest a crack. Thank you!