who's destiny?
who's destiny?
Ida B. Wells, Helen Keller, Marsha Johnson, Mother Jones, Dorthy Day, Rosa Parks, Constance Markievicz, Frida Kahlo
She's overall awful. In addition to what else had been said, she got into twitter beef with Liz and Brace from Trueanon making a goldfish brained argument that they were Nazis or part of the Chapo to fascist pipeline.
Wrapped my ankle and borrowed crutches from a friend after a cycling accident. My two ankles look noticeably different to this day.
perfect pumpkin peanut lace doily dream baby angels
Edit: line breaks
Yeah, they had an album maybe 5 years back that literally said on the cover that "the Jews" finance both sides of wars.
G.I.S.M. is definitely not far left. Maybe sort of in the 80s, but nowadays they are pretty fucked up, openly anti-semitic and homophobic.
The Body - noise metal from Portland
Uniform - industrial metal from NYC
Oozing Wound - thrash from Chicago
Cloud Rat - Michigan grindcore
Matt Christman praised it a few times too.
There were some sequels that are now harder to find where she bare ass farts on other foods, I specifically remember meatloaf and a bowl of pudding.
He's got the manic prophet in dark times vibe down already.
The rest who even cares
The typical romanticizing of the 80s is itself a sort of pro-capitalist propaganda. It often conceals harsh realities of the 80s like deindustrialization, the AIDs crisis, CIA death squads, the crack epidemic, the gutting of social safety nets and so on in favor of nostalgia for gimmicky products and pop culture that was at the time often a mouth piece for US imperialism.
The Antifada had a pretty good episode about Spiked and how it had it's roots in a very suss Trot org probably funded by either oligarchs or the CIA that would use some decontextualized Marxist rhetoric to justify right wing positions. This all kind of sounds like a similar playbook.
The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
Praxis is when you test the tenets of Marxism through acts of social struggle and then refine your theory based on the outcome.
An organization that isn't undergirded by a Marxist framework and isn't informing it's strategies off of past Marxist parties successes and failures isn't engaging in praxis.
It doesn't mean they can't do good things or that we can't occasionally learn something from them, but it's an important distinction between what a Marxist party does and a party that tolerates eclectic theories like the DSA does. A bunch of people operating with different ideologies and methodologies "getting shit done" might win some short term gains, but it won't ever bring about a rupture from capitalism.
Defining gender was the original division of labor, the idea that women should rear children and thus reproduce the social relations in a primitive society is the original class divide. Engels describes this well in the Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.
These concepts aren't distinct struggles. Class is the base and gender is a superstructure of that base. Struggling against gender based oppression is also struggling against the way capitalism exploits gender to reproduce class relations.
It's not just conservatives or even just politicians. A large majority of the country supported going to war but have memory holed what those times were really like, ask people now and the majority will say they opposed it.