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  • 41 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020

  • I mean if you're org is doing land acknowledgements then it's free to say them as aggressively as they want. Or even better, actually do something about it. For us the passive language came from the local first nation itself so I'm not really gonna question it. I've always read the request to do land acknowledgments as "In case of revolution, we call dibs".

  • The 420chan /del/ board was a fun read back in my youth so I'll share what I gathered:

    1. Datura (morning glory) is very difficult to dose as the toxins are not evenly distributed throughout the plant. You can take 5 seeds and feel nothing or take two seeds and be gone for two days or worse.
    2. it is a delieriant, not a psychedelic (hence /del/ not /psy/). You will see shit that is not there, think you are in different locations, talk to people who dont exist, etc. It is more like of doing a bunch of benedryl than of shrooms or acid.
    3. It was never described as a "good time". Instead more like some spiritual journey. At best you think youre having a deep conversation with your unborn daughter, when you're really pacing back in forth, leaving a trail of partially chewn doritos on the floor. If you think you're going to chill and listen to some music well actually you're watching family guy for hours, actually the tv has been off this whole time, actually your on your deck and you've broken your favorite bong.

    Have a trip sitter.

  • captcha [any]tothe_dunk_tankBlack Wolf
    10 months ago

    Is the black wolf supposed to mean something? Like if this was a Ukrainian someone would be trying to connect it to some fascist iconography. What's the overlap between Zionist and and other white supremacist aesthetics?

  • No one is claiming that Japan would've "just surrendered" if the US "did nothing". The piece your missing is the USSR had finally started attacking and was sweeping the Japanese out of Manchuria. The invasion began 1945-08-09 same day as the second bomb.

    Theres a leftist conspiracy theory that the Japanese high command actually surrendered because of the soviet invasion, not the atom bombs. But surrendered to the US not the USSR, since the US would probably be more favorable. The logic is the US had completely destroyed entire Japanese cities before but that never stopped them. Doing it with just one bomb was new, but thats it. Soviet invasion was basically game over. Holdings in China were doomed. And now they were looking at a joint US-USSR invasion of the home islands. Any general could see that's game over.

    Alas its all a conspiracy theory. It hinges on if a bunch of japanse generals in a closed room decided to lie or not. I think one is on record as saying it was the soviet invasion but others hold to it being the atom bomb.