catface [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2020


  • catface [they/them]tomainMoreover, fuck snitches
    4 years ago

    ah yes a trans person shouldn't report their insane abusive relative to an authority because of some "leftist" grandstanding about purity on twitter

    fuck off and die cissie

  • They are right and you are not going to like the consequences of doubling down on this, people in reality (the thing none of you terminally online trust fund kids residing in apartments in NYC paid for by your well off white parents live in) are already tired of the white chapo brigade of disingenuous "leftists" who spent the last year attacking BLM and making jokes about how a black person deserved to be killed by the police because they.... called the police once? It's pretty easy to tell this community is full of fash by looking at an openly fascist community like /pol/ and seeing their response to the coup, which was downplaying that it happened at all with the same rhetoric and lines( deY WaS juSt TaKing SeLfiEs) while also pushing support and threatening a "real attempt"

  • uh no they couldn't have I know many people here live in a bubble of extremely online nonsense and have had their brains rotted by garbage like trueanon, but this delusion is hilarious

    The response is already creating a reactionary effect in trump supporters and the right wing in general, even with the failed coup less than a week ago, if they had done this in the middle of his term, they could've marched on the capital and executed every democrat, then marched over to silicone valley and done the same thing and enough people in the country (here included) would support them that they would've been able to seize power easily

    Not surprising though, fascism historically has always been supported by useful idiots who are immediately purged as a result of getting their wishes

  • shit like this honestly just proves what trans people say, you care more about this performative nonsense about something that can be remedied by simply making a new account than the shit that trans people constantly get that they can't just ignore , its always just an excuse how you're really the one being oppressed, cissies like you really are fucking pathetically fragile, I wish I had the power to make every one of them live their life as a trans person

  • catface [they/them]tomainWho funded the coup?
    4 years ago

    you're basically right but honestly it doesn't even need to be a CIA op, it could just be that, a group made of largely white males do not want to address intersectional problems and do want use a scapegoat like trans people to blame all their problems on and make the persecuted minority that they can have society unload all their "economic anxiety" on in their revolution with the trumpian proletariat

  • catface [they/them]tomainWho funded the coup?
    4 years ago

    hahahhahaha fake "leftist" wreckers like jimmy dore, glenn grenwald, and trueanon just got fucking BTFO looks like you are on the side of the corpos after all, disingenuous idiots

  • catface [they/them]
    tomainguys I'm scared about fascism taking over the country
    4 years ago

    If you want to play ignorant its not going to work out for you

    Half the replies are from literal nazi accounts agreeing with him, its the same on a grifter like glenn greenwalds replies, weird that huh? That white males would reflexively back white fascists doing coup's, but every time a brown LIBERAL woman like AOC breathes she's the devil? Its so incredibly obvious the audience you are cultivating. At this point in my local leftist scene the dirtbag left is not liked and strongly associated with misogyny and regressive ideas, this is the tipping point to you fuckers getting your teeth stomped in if you show for a DSA meeting and spew your garbage, just a warning if you ever stop being a terminally online LARPer