Just a Balkan commie guy
My bad about the Sega CD thing.
Also Nintendo at the time was marketing the shit out of the Nintendo 64 and how Mario 64 was revolutionary (which It was really at the time) and they beat them to It. Also from what I heard Sony's PS1 was relatively easy to develop for which is what made It popular too + the marketing.
Honestly It's a shame that Sonic X-treme never got finished or released too. Apparently there was supposed to be a PC port after the Saturn one got cancelled but some execs cancelled It.
Didn't help that SOA and SOJ were infighting and SOA trying to prolong the Genesis/Mega Drive with Sega CD and 32X.
Not the secretary guy, but people just call their language by their nationality really (Serbian, Croatian, etc.). Also It's pronounced "jugoslvovenski" (yugoslovenski If you can read that a bit better lol).
He says:
Not really, however the police did come to my house to intimidate my parents and they went around my hometown "looking for me" (actually just wanting to make me look like a criminal in front of the people) and stuff like that. When it comes to SKOJ there is only individuals mentioning it in media rarely but nothing serious (at least in Montenegro)
About the Zapatista thing, I didn't know about it but based
He says:
If you are a marxist-leninist find a local org that's part of the IWCP or WFDY
He says:
Haven't read it yet but plan on reading for sure
He says:
Well the party that our organization is the youth of, The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia was founded in 1990 (while SFRY still existed and League of Communists of Yugoslavia) was still in power, we decided to keep the name because we strive for a united Yugoslavia and have branches in different Yugoslav countries
He says:
Thank you for the compliment
He says:
Well I've met some people through my shitposting page that were already in a communist org
He says:
I suppose
Razumem pesimizam. Verovatno neće biti nešto veliko ovde u skorije vreme. Ne znači da ne možemo barem probati i da budemo doomer-i zbog toga.
Obavezno, mislim da bi moderatori bili sasvim otvoreni za tako nešto.
E pristao je isto. Samo moramo da se dogovorimo. Planiramo za vikend sad dva dana AMA da traje.
Pretty much, there's a good video from a year or so ago on why frame generation for animation doesn't work:
In college right now for an animation course in engineering.
We were literally thaught how to make AI slop (deepfakes, AI generated images) by the professors assistant since the professor refused to show up. He went on how this "won't replace us" and how It was "revolutionary" even though It looked like shit. Mind you he's the same guy who told us "Don't pirate Windows, buy It for 5€.".
Sometimes I think of dropping out and going freelance as an artist even though I'm only a month into my first year. Though I'm very afraid how and where to promote my stuff
Nadam se isto druže. Ja sam u SKOJ-u trenutno (što je omladinska grana NKPJ-a), ali jedino smo na lokalnim izborima u Zemunu gde imamo jednog od naših kao odbornika, jer nam je SNS i ekipa zabranila da učestvujemo. Ja sam njihov glavni grafički dizajner uglavnom lol. No moj komitet gde sam ja je malo isto u problemu, jer zbog neaktivnosti sekretara lokalnog puno ljudi je otišlo pa to mora da se sredi.
Levica ovde je u kurcu. Ne pomaže što SPS i Pokret "Socijalista" postoje koji su sa pičkoustim praktično. Još i oportunistički liberali kao Zeleno-Leva koalicija i MORAMO.
Idalje, šta bude biće i to je to. Iskreno mislim da je moja partija ok barem gde smo za sada. Čak sam mislio možda da uradim AMA ovde sa jednim drugom koji je od Instagram shitposter-a posato sekretar u CG.
Woah, thank you! Also glad to be back.
Vidim nažalost. Drago mi je što sam takođe video tebe ovde.
Also I heard It was super easy to pirate stuff on It. I heard It was really prevalent in the 90s post-Soviet Russia. Even homebrews and emulators were made for It.