I think those are supposed to be revolutionary war era triangle hats... But they do look conical 😆
Oh man poor guy does look like Clapton 👎
Casey's pizza is a hidden gem
Lol I remember that. I tried to find the story (briefly) but the search results are either cops making up ODs or stories debunking the alleged ODs
I like voyager too. Seems capable and multi-OS is nice
Burgerkrieg would be a sick band name
There is some misinfo on polarized glasses here. Polarized glasses are good for reducing glare but polarization doesn't make them more safe. I like to get polarized glasses because it reduces glare on water which is handy for fishing. One reason not to get polarized lenses is the polarization can affect how well you see screens. LCDs work based on polarization so polarized sunglasses can interact with that.
I had a professor who wrote the textbook for a class. He threw a pizza party at the end of the semester with the royalty check.
Sopranos for sure. I think Deadwood would count here as well
With a 30 year mortgage and average current interest rates, that's like a $2200 monthly payment give or take taxes and insurance. I feel bad for this person as ownership is tenuous at best. The downpayment is basically a 6 month deposit.
We shouldn't need to be getting mortgages in our 70s...or ever. Goddamn just let people live.
Looking back on 2024 so far, and this year I have read the news and muttered "what the fffuuuuuuuucckkkkk?" more than any year before
Excellent choice. I like to bread it and toss the chunks in buffalo sauce after cooking
I thought it was good. The podcast only covers volume 1 though
Well they're not all idiots lol.