• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • Disputes between the various flavors of Abrahamic religions predate Israel and will never be resolved. Even if you want to limit it to just Palestine/Israel, there were protests in the 1920s about the British preferential treatment of Jews over Arabs well before Israel became official. The wailing wall was built in 19 BCE (predating Islam), so the origins of the dispute go way, way back. Both sides have been in the area for effectively forever.

  • All AI's motto: trained by trolls.

    Fundamental issue: cannot distinguish an "upvote because funny" from an "upvote because accurate"

    I have some expertise in some subjects, but even those in those subjects I sometimes say wrong things for various reasons including, but not limited to: 1. I am dumb. 2. I misspoke. 3. I was trolling. 4. I misunderstood the question. 5. I half-assed it. 6. I'm dumb.

    Humans struggle with nuance and sarcasm (some people genuinely think Colbert is a conservative, Poe's Law, Andy Kaufman, Borat, etc.). It is no surprise that AI would be bad at it too.

  • The whole debate is dumb. Any idea along that lines is a political non-starter. As a species we'll just let nature implement some form of it against our wishes and intentions. Unfortunately, that implementation will likely be the worst in terms of damage and equity. I fully expect those most guilty to suffer the least. I will definitely starve before Bezos and Musk do. The unfortunates of the global south will probably suffer more before I do which I will admit is inequitable.

    I fully expect to hear, "Why did no one warn us that it would be this bad?" in my lifetime. I don't think the answer that "They did, but everyone chose to ignore it." will provide any comfort.