Yep it was, thanks for helping.
Just needed a new thermostat, thanks for your help again.
Yep, just needed a replacement so that’ll probably die in 2 years again.
It ended up just being a dead thermostat, got a dumb version to slot right in and it came up fine. Thanks for your help!
One last quick question: I just threw my breakers labeled Furnace and AC, and the lines are still hot. What else could it be receiving power from?
Nothing came loose! I cleaned up the thermostat pins / checked they weren’t bent.
Thanks for the tip, that’ll definitely come in handy in the meantime cause I think I might just have to go pick up a new thermostat and test it out.
:kitty-cri-texas: thanks for your service
Ask and ye shall receive, I think most of them look seated OK but the last time I wired anything was high school: https://ibb.co/GnTvR2N
Yeah, it looks like it’s got a completed circuit https://ibb.co/Yfh5W1C
Sorry, I don’t know the air handler model. I could check a bunch of things?
It looks like the circuit supplying voltage is still providing roughly the measurable power needed to operate. https://ibb.co/Yfh5W1C
No battery in this one. Yes it’s running of trickle power from the furnace about to test the amperage.
Wanted to say almost exactly this.
After literal years of having to go along with religious holy wars and feudalist revolutions from the wrong side with no option to say “Uhh hey this Pope is obviously fascist”.
I enjoyed an option that let me say “My WoL isn’t some naïve lawful stupid do-gooder.” Maybe as long as I’m fighting powerful monsters and it ends up protecting people, that’s enough for me. Because I sure as hell can’t figure out how my WoL wouldn’t have immediately sided with Ysayle otherwise.
P.s. also fuck Zenos, boring character. The only interesting thing he ever even did across 3 xpacs was bust through the dimensions as Shinryu and goad me. I’m still not sure how Krile did the calculus on giving the last aether stockpile to a different murder hobo.
P.p.s also G’raha could not be more boring. Every xpac I’m going to continue dying more inside to be fanboyed canonically.
Trying to bootstrap the system without an Ethernet port sucks ass though, have to admit. pacstrap not even including mandb :haram:
I flashed / revived a dying 2011 MBP the other month and really tried to use Pop!_OS on it, but the installer + GRUB just wouldn’t work.
Plugged in a tiny Arch boot stick (I swore I wouldn’t use Arch because I’m tired of choosing new WMs but guess who has Wayland now) and got it working with systemd-boot.
I’m just familiar with it and it works, and it gives me the control when it stops working.
im in this post and i dont like it
Also I don’t even know if that “mini-measure” of just an eighth has a specialized a name.
It’s a pickup measure (or anacrusis) and it’s fairly common in pop music I believe.
Also useful for when starting from a midpoint while practicing a score.
I swear a decade ago it used to at least be about tech. Now it’s just startup bullshit.
It’s evident how poisoned it’s always been by Paul Graham’s bullshit spewing now, but it definitely didn’t feel as bad back then.
JavaScript do be like that