
I believe in scientific socialism and historical materialism. I sympathize with the Communist struggle against forces of imperialism, capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, fascism, racism, ableism, transphobia, and other oppressive structures.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2023


  • I work in remote medical admin and one of the most soul-destroying aspects of this job is knowing that I do administrative busy work which benefits health insurance companies and keeps some of the worst people in the world alive longer.

    Case in point, one woman born in the late 1940s and educated as an academic came in to the office complaining about how she couldn't go on a cruise ship because her restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea were acting up. And then she casually mentions that her husband was a sergeant in the ukr volunteer legion in Bakhmut. I looked up this parasite on LinkedIn and found she is a manager at a real estate company. I knew then that I had no fucking business in this dead-end low level job in an industry which is essentially a giant money laundering scheme. I hope her husband got his fucking head blown off and scattered to smithereens, and I hope she never wakes up from her sleep again.

    I'm transitioning to an outdoor industry where I can learn about the natural environment and get in touch with the land, not stay trapped indoors forever with nothing but the voices of arrogant Baby Boomers for company.

  • Adult supremacy is a real thing. While it is very prominent among American Baby Boomers, it can afflict people of any generation. I believe we as adults have a responsibility to guide and protect youth, not forcefully shape them into some predetermined mold.

    Frankly it infuriates me when I see somebody of my age (early 30s) acting just like a damned Boomer and complaining about "kids these days", when those kids are just responding to pressures of a world that adults have forced upon them. The only kind of youth I truly dislike are the alt-right kind.

    I cannot speak for any other country, but the US public school experience is designed to beat the kids down until they accept their place within the capitalist system by the time they're 18 years old. Any education that happens in those places is incidental. They're primarily meant for schooling, not education.

  • Very true. They, liberals and western leftists, don't even properly understand the meaning of 90% of the words they use amongst themselves. This is why I don't bother engaging them on any sort of political level because it would require sitting them down for 10 years to properly educate them first. Take for instance the term "liberal". They seem to think that this word simply means you ride a bike and believe LGBT people deserve rights, instead of referring to privatization and social atomization. At that level, both of the mainstream political parties in the US are liberal, they just differ in the areas of certain social issues. It is entirely possible to be a socially-progressive anti-liberal, but to an American's ears if they hear me say I'm not liberal, they will immediately assume I like Tucker Carlson and the Koch brothers.