darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I can see it now. Trump calls in gravy team 6 to break him out, they kill a ton of cops in a firefight while rescuing him, once back at the white house he drone strikes the judge and prosecutor responsible and he spends the next couple years vindictively attacking Democrats and their prosecutors and dismantling the justice department while battering the hell out of NY with federal antagonism that's not really legal further pushing the idea of a breakup of the states into the mainstream. Democrats promise to jail him after he leaves office but he dies days before the election after finishing a Big Mac for dinner and Vance issues a sweeping pardon for Trump's family and associates for all activities to which Democrats tut tut but have to respect the institutions and so go on to face-plant in the next election as well despite it being "the most important election of our lives".

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]tochapotraphouseIt begins
    4 months ago

    Well I should point out I could easily see between high hundreds of thousands and over a million Trump people simply dying because A) a lot of them are old B) Covid which they deny and had 4 years to die from it.

    I could also see a million or so being disillusioned with Trump, either Q people who thought he'd do different or people who saw something else in him that he didn't live up in his new campaigning. Also a lot easier to just check the box to re-elect the president for a certain amount of Americans who may not even be consistent Republicans but just people who thought he did a good enough job giving them free money during Covid and deserved to continue. So those numbers are if anything low and suggest IMO he probably gained some voters as well between losing people to dying and disillusionment and such.

    So then the discussion must go towards those Democratic voters, they must have really alienated them, they must have really lost the enthusiasm and angered them. Sure we can discount a couple million as racists who voted for Biden because he was a white man with ties to anti-busing and crime legislation and KKK leadership but not nearly all of them. There's still a significant chunk, millions and millions you have to account for.

  • I really question this. Unless your food is very, very frozen (deep in the freezer for days) and dense and has enough water to keep it frozen and cold for like 8+ hours without serious risk of bacteria growth and toxins being produced leaving food in a place like that all day seems like a recipe for disaster. Certainly I wouldn't do it for frozen cut up tofu or meat. I suppose if you work in a way that allows you to come home for lunch that might allow it to work but most Americans don't. (CDC says I believe 4 hours is the maximum frozen food that needs to be cooked should be left in the danger zone above freezing/refrigeration temps but below 160+ degrees F)

    Given the ideal way to use an air fryer is to expose the contents to the air to get the full benefits of convection cooking which also thaws them more quickly and lets bacteria proliferate or get in it just seems like a poor candidate for it. And if you're doing something like a side like fries that are probably safe to leave all day you still have to make the main meal and fries take like 5 minutes so I question the utility of saving yourself waiting that little time with such a function.

    All in all modes like that, remote start works for things like washing machines or clothes driers or coffee machines or pre-heating a conventional oven given that unlike an air fryer can take 10+ minutes.

    I think the more likely explanation is it's just more IOT connected nonsense. People buy it, it sells so it gets made and the manufacturers can off-set the costs by selling data profiles on what time people eat meals by gathering that data as well as types of modes used and how long to for example identify people who have midnight snacks or meals, those who work off hours, etc.

  • Nah. Lots of liberals like using words like imperialism and will call Russia imperialist. There's a liberal anti-warism that's for Ukraine, for Palestine but also regularly duped into supporting color revolutions like Hong Kong and calling Chinese efforts to prevent color revolutions "imperialism" because they live in this moment to moment vacuum devoid of historical context or understanding of material and historical forces.

  • Are we comfortable asking farmers on another continent to sacrifice their livelihoods for the sake of other nations’ unwillingness to reduce CO2 emissions? Should we be comfortable with that? Who even is "we" here?

    Would we go to war to stop this from happening? Would we go to war to make this happen, should we decide it’s in our national interest? Either way, the implications are deeply troubling.

    I truthfully believe this is part of a kind of hybrid warfare against China by the US and if the modeling shows it will devastate them while hurting the US significantly less then they'll go ahead with it. The resulting famines and other issues are ripe for exploiting to overthrow the CPC or at the very least seriously injure their aspirations for surpassing the US and hobble them and set them back by a decade or more. The US is also the one most likely to believe that China won't use nukes to prevent this kind of a plan and to be willing to gamble even if they're unsure as it has a chance of ensuring another century of hegemony in their minds. Climate change in general I believe has largely been allowed to continue not just because of capitalist interests but because the models show the US will be among the most resilient to it, it represents an incredibly powerful form of hybrid warfare to wage on and destabilize the rest of humanity to allow US hegemony to continue. Your mentioning that a single actor could do this also worries me. The US would love the plausible deniability angle of using a US corporation to do this and when China threatens them they claim "wasn't us, hey you can't nuke us for the actions of one of our companies without our knowledge".

    Suddenly, all that warming that they've been masking is back, only instead of seeing 4+ degrees warming spread over a century, we see it spread over 24-36 months.

    I assume as do many others you mean if this were started and continued for decades, those at the end of that line would have no choice. Not that if this were started and allowed to run for say 6 years that we couldn't stop it and we'd only reap the normal amount of warming we'd have gotten anyways (not 4 degrees C over that limited span) though which could still be bad as the change in temperatures would be harmful to various ecosystems I'd imagine and the stress of going from warm to cool to even warmer again could be devastating to a lot of things.

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    Acceptance is meaningless.

    Democrats accept it yet they also are trapped within the confines of what is possible in a liberal capitalist empire which means nothing is done. So they protest, they ensure that the fact it is an issue is /SEEN/ and that they are /seen/ being on the right side of it but do nothing or enact plans that were supposed to be enacted 30 years ago to actually work and are far too little, too late now.

    So yes eventually even reactionaries will accept it but then they'll pull the Google CEO move which is to say well it's too late now so might as well double down on AI and other pollution and hope some technology of ours magics up a solution for us and then when that doesn't work in 20-25 years and the worst of it is hitting they'll say we had no way of knowing and blame China and various bad guys and a few token dead white people who are beyond the reach of any justice.

    We're heading over the cliff, we're over the cliff and one of the drivers insists it's just a dip in the road while the other horrified is scolding them for driving off the cliff but insisting they needed to take that turn they missed when they headed over the cliff, they're insistent that they take it at the next opportunity despite that option of course being long past.

  • Where I live they'd own Albertsons, Food 4 Less, Ralphs, Vons, pretty much everything except Target, Walmart, Whole Foods/Amazon Fresh, and some smaller and specialty grocers like Aldi/Trader Joes.

    Also, last I checked, there are two Aldi corporations (Aldi sud/Aldi nord), one of them owns Trader Joes, the other one runs US Aldi stores, they're not the same entity (though there is a history there) and though they often seen to share a fraction of product ideas I can say the same product at the two stores are often noticeably different and almost certainly made by different suppliers.

  • No they couldn't have. Several people quit, they cried about Bezos blocking them from endorsing Kamala, other news outlets reported it.

    All Bezos could have done in that situation would have been to say nothing but people would absolutely have been the wiser about it being blocked by him and they'd probably lose as many subscriptions as from this. I doubt his statement wins or loses him any meaningful number of subscribers, it's just cover so he doesn't have to come out and say actually he'd rather stay on Trump's good side in case he wins and/or maybe he thinks Trump is better for his interests but of course would prefer associating with someone so uncouth.

  • Wouldn't applying any kind of dyes or paints to N95 type masks weaken their effectiveness? Isn't it possible that saturating a mask with these kinds of particles could compromise the effectiveness (I recall reading the effectiveness is compromised in very high humidity conditions I think).

    Anyone have any papers or reading on this? Obviously even a compromised (K)N-95 would be better than nothing but might be better to wear something cloth that's been colored instead over it?

  • It's predicated on the old racist trope that Chinese steal everything and cannot invent anything of their own because both they are asiatic hordes and also communism no iphone. So it holds that if we hadn't invented them, they couldn't have stolen it and raced ahead of our plodding efforts and our existing advantage in ICE would be too great (by decades) for them to overcome from their starting position. Which is of course wrong, laughably so.

  • They may see with the US risking getting into a war with Russia and wanting a war with China that their own time to pull the US into a conflict to settle the region's problems in their favor using the might of the US is quickly drawing to a close and will likely not exist in a few years so why let a crisis go to waste when they can try and get the US to take out Iran and Hezbollah for them which would allow greater "isreal" to become a reality. It's an expansionist mindset too. Also fascists gonna fascist.

  • Here we go. Now did they have an ounce of sense and just pound the desert and a few unimportant places and claim otherwise in their propaganda so Iran has an out not to retaliate in kind? Or more likely did these deranged zionists hit important things and Iran has to hit back even harder and kill US troop scum manning their air defenses as well? At which point the US can either leave with its tail between its legs like Reagan did Lebanon in the 80s or escalate in some way including potentially war.

    I hope the people of Iran remain safe regardless of outcome. I hope the colonizers of the zionist occupation continue to feel and be very unsafe as they should be until they stop their genocide and dismantle their apartheid regime.

  • I would guess it's probably private Russian companies that sold access to the data to anyone including Iranians or Russians sympathetic to the movement who passed it to Iranians and that is being spun as part of the anti-Russia hysteria as the Russian military itself giving such data directly to Iran. It's possible they did that, based as fuck if they did of course but I have serious doubts the Russians were burning bridges with the zionist regime that early given their attempts to maintain ties with anyone not directly part of NATO.

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]tonewsAnd there it is
    4 months ago

    To be honest Russia isn't as strongly denying it anymore. I've long thought that the DPRK should send troops both to crush fascism and the US/NATO empire and because sad as it is that war costs lives, the DPRK has no warfare experience within the last 60 years and things have changed a lot. A few brigades getting experience on modern combat with Russia could take those lessons back and save many lives if/when the occupied south attacks with the Americans.

    Also AFAIK didn't occupied Korea already send a bunch of shells to Ukraine? They may not have been operating at full steam in support of them but I'm pretty sure they already chose to get involved.

    Though I am still dubious that this has happened it wouldn't be that strange and wouldn't change my position that Russia has the right to do this.

    Though I do find it a bit unlikely Russia would actually allow it as it would give the west a pretext to pour their own troops over the border by saying Russia did it first with an ally and all is fair. Most likely the DPRK troops that are in Russia reported by the west are just there for training and learning the latest combat lessons from Russian troops in modern warfare.

    Hopefully the Russian Duma ratifies the treaty on mutual defense and cooperation soon as that would certainly deter the US somewhat from attacking Korea.