darkmaster006 [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2020


  • darkmaster006 [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Comrade Kaiji, never forget. Some of his quotes are spectacular. "You are no more than beasts... content with selling your friends for some shitty bucks!" The tension throughout the anime is incredible. Definitely recommended.

  • darkmaster006 [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Left Unity is important. MLs who call anarchists 'anarkiddies' and make literally a distorted mockery of anarchism while not understanding some of ML's state's historical failures; and Anarchists who call MLs 'tankies' and do not seem to grasp historical conditions, anti-imperialism, are dumb as hell. What annoys me the most is that this benefits NO ONE. The left is crippled as is. I understand Lenin's argument that giving way to completely different praxis inside the Party might kill it, but that doesn't hold true in today's society, it did in his society, in his conditions, and only he was able to materialise all that. There's no need to try and defend everything the USSR and China did, some of the things were mistakes, and they know it, and they are correcting them (China, Vietnam); but there's also no need to villify the USSR and China, especially not with fucking bourgeois propaganda! One has to be open to other left ideas and just try and build bridges. The revolution in today's world is about gaining the support of the people, and in gaining more people to support the cause, even if it's vague.

  • I think the best outcome is probably Lukashenko keeping power but being forced by the Party and the workers to introduce reforms (if it is the case that Lukashenko is an oligarch and privatising stuff, which I don't have any idea about), but ousting Lukashenko only to have a NATO-backed guy on power similar to Bolivia, where the military junta placed a president, delays the elections, and probably will commit actual fraud because they can't win against Arce (Morales replacement because they proscribed him and are trying to proscribe MAS), the polls are literally giving Arce about 43% of the vote... roughly Morales's own number when he won, so much for rigged elections lmao.

  • that doesn't really tell me anything. as a materialist, one cannot just blindly hate on an idea, not even nazism, until one has studied it. i saw sensible stuff like this: https://uploads.ovarit.com/5dae93f8-ec74-5cc6-a0f5-dbbcba9c10b6.jpg recognising that sex is real isn't transphobic, and many on the left simply attribute ideas to radical feminism that aren't radical feminism, but whatever.

  • darkmaster006 [none/use name]tomainBased bolsheviks.
    4 years ago

    What do you mean? I support Deng lmao, he literally elevated socialism to a new stage. He was pragmatic, and did what had to be done in a world where the socialist camp was no more socialist (since Stalin, basically, although it could've been reformed), and where capitalist-encirclement ruled.