darkpainter97 [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2021

  • Armchair psychologist here, reason #20 million why capitalism is a fuck can be related to this subject. The people who hunt and attempt to fuck over individuals who are "nice" are typically afflicted by Type B personality disorders and/or the Dark Triad of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellian behaviors. Aka the assholes and abusers that are quite common in society, due in part to material conditions (excessive competition, scarcity, violent crime, etc.) and genetic abberations. Such monsters in human skins wreak social havoc on an interpersonal and systemic level, thriving and rising to positions of power when given the chance, as in our cutthroat capitalist hellworld, profit is placed above human dignity. The consequences of their toxic actions include serious psychological trauma, bankruptcy, mental breakdowns, and unfortunately even death.

    It thus logically follows that addressing this serious problem would be given a higher priority by institutions of power. Such as by means of childhood intervention, stronger workplace rights, public education, greater support to vulnerable communities, devaluing competition as a merit in mass media, etc. This is already approaching socdem territory, which the current far-right establishment doesn't even want, much less the more effective systemic solution of changing the mode of production from crapitalism to socialism, which would de-incentivize Dark Triad behaviours at the very least.

    The elite bourgeoisie may have more of an interest in letting Type B/Dark Triad cases roam society, since their existence not only reinforces the false notion with deeply religious fundamentalist (original sin) undertones that humanity ebil and might makes right, thus the current system is the best/inevitable, but also decreases class consciousness and makes it harder to organize due to the socially cancerous effects of these assholes. Along with various other reasons.