dead [he/him]

  • 310 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021

  • dead [he/him]toaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    19 days ago

    Some drugs actually do come from China and Mexico.

    However, you shouldn't accept the reactionary framing of the drug narrative. Availability of drugs is not what makes people do drugs. Americans are doing drugs because the quality of life in America is hellish. People are doing drugs as a form of escapism from the shitty existence of American life.

    Reject the premise that stopping the flow of drugs will make less people do drugs. Less people will do drugs when they have a better life, access to healthcare, higher wages, safer workplace, solidarity with other workers, etc.

  • they literally can though. US politicians are famously buyable

    This is the most absurd, ahistoric line of magical thinking that I've read in weeks. Why does pornhub simply not just buy politicians at the politician store? A real head scratcher, I'm really thonking now.

    The answer is so simple. In the states that pornhub has blocked, the religious lobby and christian nationalists have more political power and capital than the porn industry. Every one of the states highlighted in red has a long history of sexual repression.

    In Utah, a 1973 law made it illegal to have premarital sex until 2019, punishable by a misdemeanor and $1000 fine.
    In Texas, it is illegal to buy or sell any dildo or artificial vagina sex toy.
    In North Carolina, it is illegal for a man/woman couple to live in the same house if they are not married (cohabitation).

    These are only a few examples. The states colored in red on the map have long history of discrimination against LGBT people, laws limiting or banning abortion, laws making it harder to divorce an abusive spouse, etc.

    Here's a map of states that have banned access to gender affirming care for transgender people. It's literally the same states that have been blocked by pornhub. This map shows that 25 states have banned gender affirming care. 10 of the 12 states which have been blocked by pornhub also have banned access to gender affirming care.

    Here's a map of states which have banned or heavily restricted abortion access. The map shows 21 states have banned or highly restricted access to abortion. Oh it's the same map again. 9 of 12 states which have been blocked by pornhub have banned or extremely limited access to abortions.

    Here's a map of states where gay marriage is prohibited by the state constitution, although protected by federal law (for now). Same map again? What are the odds? 11 of the 12 states which have been blocked by pornhub also ban gay marriage in their state constitution.

  • I'm not sure what you're not understanding about "all 50 states have different proprietary ID designs". Proprietary as in, secret, as in unknown to the public, as in you can't just make the software yourself. As in, each of these states are intentionally hiding the information because they don't want pornhub to be able to actually ID visitors. The answer to your question is "no". No they can't just pay the government for that software.

    As I said, they already worked out a system with Louisiana. Louisiana actually cooperated. The other states are not cooperating. The other states are right wing dominated states that are being obtuse on purpose.

  • A government ID is a proprietary information of each state. If someone showed you an ID from Montana would you know what each number and feature on the ID meant? No, you wouldn't because IDs are a way for the government to ID a citizen and not everything known about an ID is available to the public. In order for a website to be able to scan an ID, the state needs to provide the website with the appropriate software. If you buy alcohol at the grocery store, the grocery store uses state-issued software to scan the ID.

    Texas as example passed a law which said that people are now allowed to sue pornhub for not scanning IDs and yet Texas did not give pornhub the necessary software to scan IDs. The intention was purely to manufacture a scenario for people of Texas to sue pornhub.

    In the instance of facebook, I'm not sure that facebook actually scans the id, they just store a picture of it. Do you want every porn site to store photos of every ID of every visitor. What if the website gets hacked?

  • How do you say that as if it is so simple to scan the ID of every person who visits your website. First and foremost is that the US doesn't even have an actual citizen ID system. It has a patchwork of different government programs which are meant to be different things that it uses for ID. A driver's license is meant to say whether you can drive, it's not supposed to be an ID. Secondly, every state has a different driver's license design, which also doesn't make any sense. Why doesn't the US give people a national driver's license?

    Thirdly how is a canadian company supposed to have the technology to scan american drivers license. In real life when you buy alcohol or cigarettes it kind of makes sense because the gas station attendant can like look the id and then the person and then shrug their shoulders. Do you want the website to also scan the face of every visitor to compare it to the ID? How can the website know that the ID is not counterfeit?

    Porn websites do not have the technology to scan government IDs for every single visitor. Logistically it is not possible. What would be needed is a third party website operated by each state government that can scan each ID and then signal the verification back to the porn website through API. Each state knows this and they don't care because their intention is not actually requiring IDs to be scanned, it is to obstruct porn sites from existing. Also since each state is going to individually have to operate their own ID scanning service, that means each state will also be maintaining a gooner database.

    In fact, Lousiana was the first state to require porn sites to ID every visitor. You will notice that Louisiana is not colored in red on the map of the OP. That's because Louisiana provided pornhub with the technology to scan IDs. The other states did not provide pornhub with the necessary ID scanning technology and thats why they got blocked. Louisiana is not blocked.

  • dead [he/him]totechnologyWhat's the best torrent client these days?
    20 days ago

    I think rtorrent is maintained. it just doesn't get new features very often. You can see that it is still in the latest software repository for Debian for example. Debian would not include the software in the repository if it was not maintained.

  • The origin of this thread was that the D*stiny subreddit had suspected that Hasan Piker had gone on a date with Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's daughter. LiberalSocialist often reposted threads from the D*stiny subreddit. LiberalSocialist was a very obvious wrecker from the start.

    Paris Jackson was 19, almost 20 at the time. Hasan Piker was 26. Paris Jackson was also incredibly wealthy at the time. This was before Hasan had money or fame, it was before he even started his twitch channel. If there was any power dynamic in this situation, it was the multimillionaire heiress who had the power. I don't think a romance was ever even confirmed. Also I think they are still friends who keep in touch.

  • Do not use Tixati or uTorrent or Bittorrent. these are proprietary software.

    Deluge, QBittorrent, rTorrent, and Transmission are all fine options and I think they each excel in different ways. Most seedboxes use Deluge or rTorrent.

    I never really like QBittorrent because I don't like the libQT interface. It's probably fine to use.

    Deluge is the preferred client by seedboxers who seed new torrents. For torrents that are less than 48 hours old, deluge seeds much more than any other torrent client. Deluge also downloads more aggressively than the other clients. The drawback of Deluge is that it loses performance at around 500 active torrents.

    I haven't noticed Transmission being offered by most seedbox companies for use. It is a fine client. In my own experience, it is limited to around 2000 active torrents seeding before it loses performance. I've known people who seed more than 2000 torrents and they run multiple instances of transmission with different torrents seeding in each.

    rTorrent is the best in terms of long term seeding. It is the most lightweight out of the clients. I've has up to 6000 torrents active seeding in an rTorrent client. I would guess that it fails somewhere around 10000 active torrents. The web interface will fail long before it reaches this point so you have to figure out how to control it by command line.

  • entirely that of a social club member

    This is an absurd amount of projection, coming from the perspective of hexbear. Hexbear is a social club. You are a member of a social club. Look at the post history of the OP of this thread, it has no substance or any reference to leftism, just engagement baiting and shibboleths. When I look at the post history of Pluto, there is at least some substance and Pluto to me at least exhibited some understanding of socialist theory.

    The entire front page of hexbear is constantly littered with gibberish inside baseball by like 10 people. For a brief period of time when Hexbear federated with lemmy, hexbear accidentally had a somewhat decent algorithm so that the front page wasn't littered with garbage posts all the time and what happened? The devs brought back the old algorithm which promotes spamming nonsense. This same algorithm is what allowed users like LiberalSocialist to gain so much engagement.

    Here's JT's video promoting CPUSA.

  • I've seen a lot of people compare Pluto to LiberalSocialist. I don't not believe that they are the same.

    LiberalSocialist was fixated on posting and debating extremely online twitter discourse which received a lot of engagement because many other people seem to also enjoy doing that. LiberalSocialist was often reposting things from the D*stiny subreddit and exhibiting traits of a D*stiny fan.

    To my knowledge, Pluto was not fixated on online discourse. Pluto seemed to mainly post about real life stuff, not online stuff. Pluto posted about orgs, particularly CPUSA as mentioned in the title. The reason that people seem to dislike Pluto is that Pluto asked people to exercise critical support towards the CPUSA.

    Hexbear is aligned with the The Deprogram podcast. I know that multiple Hexbear mods also moderate The Deprogram reddit. Second Thought aka JT, one of the hosts of The Deprogram, is a member and promoter of CPUSA. Second Though has posted on hexbear and done an AMA, (maybe two?). Second Thought has even talked about Hexbear on the The Deprogram podcast.

    This seems like a huge contradiction to me. You have one user who is hated for being a promoter of CPUSA and another guy who is beloved by Hexbear despite being a promoter of CPUSA.

  • dead [he/him]tochapotraphouseGuess
    23 days ago

    The joke is that bagels were invented by Jewish people from Poland and Germany is Nazis. When I google 'german bagels', every website and reddit post that I see says that bagels are rare in Germany.

  • dead [he/him]totechnologyLinux torrent client for SBC?
    23 days ago

    rtorrent is going to be the best option in terms of performance. It is command line based, but if you absolutely need a gui, you can install the web interface called ruTorrent. I used to use a python tool called pyroscope but I'm not sure that it is up to date.

  • dead [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankYou need to train them young
    23 days ago

    How did you come up Safety Third?

    It started fifteen years ago in The Dirty Jobs Mudroom – where I used to converse online with fans of Dirty Jobs. Somebody there asked me if I thought safety was really “first,” and I said, “of course not.” Specifically, I wrote this: “No company in the history of the world has ever put the business of safety before the business of making money, and no employee has ever reported to work for the primary purpose of being safe. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.” Someone then asked me, “If safety isn’t first, then what is?” To which I replied, “Safety is too important to rank, but that doesn’t mean its first. ‘Safety Always’ would be a more sensible slogan, but I guess if I had to rank it, I’d put the desire to be safe after ‘the need to make money,’ and ‘the willingness to assume risk.’ In other words, ‘Safety Third.’”

    This is from Mike Rowe's website. His slogan is "Safety Third". He plainly says that a business owner's profits and the willingness for workers to take risks is more important than worker safety. That's his slogan. Absolute ghoul.

  • dead [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankvote biden because porn
    23 days ago

    What we can now conjecture about the way in which sexual relations will be ordered after the impending overthrow of capitalist production is mainly of a negative character, limited for the most part to what will disappear. But what will there be new? That will be answered when a new generation has grown up: a generation of men who never in their lives have known what it is to buy a woman’s surrender with money or any other social instrument of power; a generation of women who have never known what it is to give themselves to a man from any other considerations than real love, or to refuse to give themselves to their lover from fear of the economic consequences. When these people are in the world, they will care precious little what anybody today thinks they ought to do; they will make their own practice and their corresponding public opinion about the practice of each individual – and that will be the end of it.

    Engels says in the conclusion of the writing that we don't really know what sex will look like after the end of capitalism and I think I agree. He says that after men stop paying for sex and woman are able to choose a sexual partner for reasons other than economic dependence, then there will be more sexual freedom. "they will care precious little what anybody today thinks they ought to do; they will make their own practice" He says that the new sexual freedom will create new sexual practices.

    I think we can't really say whether it will lead to more or less pornography. Maybe without economic pressures of capitalism, people will feel more free to create pornography for pleasure. Maybe without social stigma against sex, people will feel that they can create pornography without being socially outcast. Currently many people film themselves doing sexual acts for the purposes of "sexting". In the future, people will invent new ways of doing sexual acts that we do not currently understand. Just 2 generations ago, sexting was an unimaginable concept, 2 generations from now will have sexual norms that we don't understand currently. However, I don't think people will stop filming sexual acts.

  • dead [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankvote biden because porn
    23 days ago

    The more that you write, the more that you are revealing that you have ulterior motives for the things that you are saying. You wrote that communism will have an excessive amount of legislation. (It won't) You wrote that you think that communism is an unreachable utopia. (It isn't) Now you are saying that pornographic media must have "artistic value". (It shouldn't) A discussion about whether media should exist on the merits of "artistic value" is not interesting discourse, it is incredibly reactionary. When you say that porn may only be allowed to exist if you deem to have artistic merit, you are admitting that you are motivated by reactionary beliefs.

    Banning media on the idea that it lacked artistic merit and would therefore harm society was a key principle of Nazi Germany. In Nazi Germany, media that was considered to be "d*generate" was censored or banned. Nazis censored paintings, music, films, and plays under the premise that lacking what they deemed "artistic value" would lead German society to being influenced by Jews and Communists. This is the same reason that Republicans (and even Democrats) want to ban pornography today. Reactionaries want to ban the portrayal of sexual fantasies in media as the first step towards banning those same sexual fantasies in real life. Reactionaries don't want porn to exist because they don't want LGBT people to exist and they don't want sexual freedom to exist. The reactionary wants to ban pornography so that sex is more oppressive.

    Artistic merit is not objective. Neither you or I should judge which media should exist based on the grounds of lacking "artistic value". I do not see any reason why a communist society would not have consenting adults who want to film their sexual acts and then want other consenting adults to watch it.

  • dead [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankvote biden because porn
    24 days ago

    I wouldn't equate prostitution with porn production. Prostitution implies an exchange of money. Porn can be produced without money.

    In the same work by Engels that you are referencing, he is writing about abolition of the family unit. He says that the family unit and monogamy exists because women are dependent on men under patriarchy and monogamy gives men power over women. Engels says that without patriarchy, children will be raised by the community rather than by individual families.

    Our sexual love differs essentially from the simple sexual desire, the Eros, of the ancients. In the first place, it assumes that the person loved returns the love; to this extent the woman is on an equal footing with the man, whereas in the Eros of antiquity she was often not even asked. Secondly, our sexual love has a degree of intensity and duration which makes both lovers feel that non-possession and separation are a great, if not the greatest, calamity; to possess one another, they risk high stakes, even life itself. In the ancient world this happened only, if at all, in adultery. And, finally, there arises a new moral standard in the judgment of a sexual relationship. We do not only ask, was it within or outside marriage? But also, did it spring from love and reciprocated love or not? Of course, this new standard has fared no better in feudal or bourgeois practice than all the other standards of morality – it is ignored. But neither does it fare any worse. It is recognized just as much as they are – in theory, on paper. And for the present it cannot ask anything more.

    Engels says that without the confines of monogamous marriage and the family unit, with women having equal footing in society, people are free to have sex for the purpose of love. I wouldn't say that people are limited to having sex for the purpose of love. It also doesn't mention filming the sex. It's also very heteronormative, but that is something else. The point of Engel's writing is that he's saying ending the family unit will give people, particularly women, more sexual freedom. It's not about enforcing heterosexuality or monogamy or limiting sex.

    Editting my post to say that it's very weird that you think the word "cuckold" is related to porn. Engels used the word cuckold in the writing to describe an abusive husband whose wife decided to cheat on him. Not related to porn at all. Engels just sort of implies that adultery will be less likely in the future because women will have economic independence, leave men instead of cheating.