I can sniff you from afar

  • 38 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2022


  • What does it matter? Why can it not be both? The binary is merely a model

    We do have free will, but it is limited or 'determined' by the material conditions that we live in to implement that change.... nonetheless, there is a chance to turn the will into someone material...

    A better quote for this would be

    [A] man ought to be so deeply convinced that the source of his own moral forces is in himself … that he never despairs and never falls into those vulgar, banal moods, pessimism and optimism. My own state of mind synthesizes these two feelings and transcends them: my mind is pessimistic, but my will is optimistic. Since I never build up illusions, I am seldom disappointed. I’ve always been armed with unlimited patience – not a passive, inert kind, but a patience allied with perseverance.

    • Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist...


  • Western journalists in search of a shorthand for China's dramatic economic turnaround will almost invariably trot this one out. But, oddly enough, it doesn't show up much in Chinese publications, and nobody has managed to find the original source where Deng allegedly said it.

    The phrase was popularized by the writer Orville Schell in his 1984 book "To Get Rich Is Glorious: China in the '80s." But Schell never actually attributed the words to Deng, telling the L.A. Times's Evelyn Iritani in 2004 that it merely "grew out of the zeitgeist" of China's economic reforms.

    Nah, mate, it ain't so...

  • Woah there, careful now... if you change culture quickly... we might have another cultural revolution on our hands....


    Rant on Political Christianity

    Honestly, I may be a partisan with this issue, but I honestly would focus my anger modern-day political Protestantism, because it is now dominated by the western rightists in the modern-day....

    With political Catholicism, I can see its reactionary imperialist element in Vietnam or even the Philippines, and at its core, the Papal States, but do I need to remind you of the Catholic-Socialist Sandinistas, or Liberation Theology? It doesn't seem solid that its reactionary at its core...

    Maybe if the Roman Church was replaced, the symbolic conservative bond it had would be vanquished...

    But for me, Catholicism, to me, is a tool, like Peronism, I can use its image to justify whatever political goals I have in mind... (Maybe this is a weak argument but I have gut feeling against Protestants)