doggydog2 [none/use name]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2021


  • doggydog2 [none/use name]tochapotraphouseThe worst person, et cetera
    3 years ago

    it is getting kind of alarming that the rightists are constantly the only ones being allowed to point out true critique of the liberal establishment.

    definitely ticking a little closer to fascism every time tucker carlson is the only one allowed to spread agitprop.

  • nobody mentioned the WORST part of the whole thing:

    "We keep having this conversation where E’s like, “Are you real? Or are we living in my memory, and you’re like a synthesized companion that was created to be my companion here?”… The degree to which I feel engineered to have been this, like, perfect companion is crazy… Even just studying astrophysics and neuroscience. And it’s really annoying because people think I’m an airhead who went to art school."

    the neural damage this position and the entire presupposition of it and the fact that she ACTUALLY RELEASED SONGS about this idea publicly with no shame :agony-minion:

    when posthuman feminism is actually redefining the entire constitution of femininity to cater atomically to the male gaze :agony-deep:

  • the level of ideology in this hog is like those corn dogs that are cheeseburgers drenched in more corn dog and then double fried in oil

    like being a chud but also falling for the lib propaganda but then also agreeing w the propaganda. definitely falls somewhere on the fractal lib-nazi compass

  • i was bumping it today and found out that the terms are supposed to actually be related or something?

    also that regina spektor is a light anticommunist

    or could just hold resentment for the non-institutional antisemitism of people in the soviet countries

    or something ive spent all night trying to figure out the extent of non-institutional antisemitism in the late soviet union and i can barely find anything :angery:

  • doggydog2 [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 3
    3 years ago

    i think w the many contradictions being presented in the situation a lot of people tend to get confused following their intuition, and i wouldnt say that intuition is necessarily wrong. the situation just requires more formal analysis than intuition.

    the principal contradiction here is that the working class of ukraine IS constantly suffering casualties under total hostility from the agitation of tensions increased by domestic and foreign bourgeois.

    the non principal contradiction of the imperialist nature of russia's invasion is also true.

    the issue imo is that emphasis on the principal contradiction is the most important thing we can do. imperialist tensions on all sides are killing the citizens forced to hold the burden of these power grabs. i thought it was a really good analysis that comrades should see.

    "As long as Russia’s armed intervention helps to save people in the Donbass from reprisals by the punishers, we will not oppose this goal. Among other things, we consider it acceptable if, due to circumstances, we have to use force against the fascist Kiev regime, insofar as it would be in the interests of the working people.

    This, of course, does not exclude the possibility that Russia’s military campaign of aid to Donbass, led by the anti-Soviet Putin, could escalate into a truly fully invasive war, when under the pretext of aid to Donbass, the Russian authorities would begin to solve their own issues, and the troops would simply start occupying other regions of Ukraine. We will consider this a war of aggression, an imperialist war, and we will not support either imperialist. It is not the gentlemen but the workers who will die on both sides in any case. To die for one’s class brothers is honorable. But to die and kill for the interests of the masters is stupid, criminal, and unacceptable."

  • doggydog2 [none/use name]tonewsUkraine-Russia Megathread 3
    3 years ago

    on so many levels this is such a horrifying tactic.

    on the singular level, yes im picking up a weapon to protect myself in the case of any invasion from a hostile force. it also acts as a way to increase the military chaos and presence of the area.

    the worst part is that it makes all civilians potentially hostile armed combatants. the total civilian casualties on all sides vastly increases and for literally zero functional purpose except to buttress the bourgeois leaders just that much more