This bear don't care

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Idealistically? Yes. I wholeheartedly agree. Capitalism will always encourage unfair competition, whereas socialism will strive to end it by its very definition.

    I'm just still unconvinced that the post Soviet nations, as a whole, suffer the same "communism withdrawal symptom". The systematic pressures might be so that switching to Communism now will simply fail again (and let's not forget the dear old CIA... eh?).

    Again, hope I'm wrong, but I don't see the point you're making as clearly as you do. I think it is a more complicated situation, but I sure do think that being more socialist wouldn't hurt them.

    And I can't repeat this enough, remove Orban the dictator from power.

  • Ok, so it is not nostalgia, bad management, corruption, disillusionment "of how great capitalism is"... it is only that post Soviet nations had it better during the communist era and thus are better managed as Communist nations.

    Whelp, I'll just remain a skeptic.

    I wish the post Soviet nations, completely unsarcastically, good luck in the next elections or revolution. I would be happy to see the communist ideology continue to thrive in the face of capitalist debt slavery, and the contemptuous bourgeoisie.

  • Thank you!

    Definitely a valid expression for when liberals dress up self interest in the guise of principles of freedom.

    Not hipocrisy when the left parties enforce the tyranny of the majority though. In that case, the criticism becomes strawman fallacy.