Daemon Silverstein

I'm just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024


  • Let S be an endless string which is a concatenation of every binary counting in succession, starting from zero all the way to infinity (without left zero-padding):

    S = 01101110010111011110001001101010111100110111101111...
    (from concatenating 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, and so far)

    Let S' be a set of every sequential group of octets (8 bits) from string S, which can be represented as a base-10 number (between 0 and 255), like so:

    S'_2 = [01101110, 01011101, 11100010, 01101010, 11110011, 01111011, ...]
    S'_10 = [110, 93, 226, 106, 243, 123, ...]

    I'd create an audio wave file whose samples are each octet from S'_10 as 8-bit audio samples, using a really low sampling rate (such as 8000 Hz or even 4000 Hz).
    That sound, that particular sound, is what I'd transmit to the cosmos: the binary counting, something with a detectable pattern (although it'd be not so easily recognizable, but something that one could readily distinguish from randomness noise).

  • (CW: Long text ahead written by me) Lucifer was never meant to be the "all-malevolent" entity, especially to Vatican.

    For example: Exsultet, the Easter Proclamation, is a Latin proclamation which Protestant churches readily and superficially accused of being some "worshiping to devil" (they're not wrong but they're not correct as well, because "devil" is actually a really complex and multifaceted entity, it's not necessarily "evilness", it's something really impossible to be comprehended through the myopic lens from a framework comprised of a single religion such as Christianity, requiring a syncretic lens to really begin to understand outside the dichotomies of "good and evil"):

    Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat:
    ille, inquam, lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.
    Christus Fílius tuus,

    The translation is as follows:

    May this flame be found still burning by the Morning Star:
    the one Morning Star who never sets,
    Christ your Son,

    There is another "hymn" as well that I couldn't find in Latin, stating something like "O Lucifer, who will never be defeated. Christ is your son who came back from hell, shed his peaceful light and is alive and reigns in the world without end".

    Both these "hymns" imply Lucifer as both The Son and The Father. A proof of this is in Revelations 22:16 (NJKV), where Jesus himself says: “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

    Then, there's Isaiah 14:12 (NJKV): "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!". For this verse, the New Catholic BIble translates "Lucifer" to "Morning Star" because "Lucifer", literally a Latin word for "Light bringer", is also synonym for "Morning Star".

    It's also worth noting that the very first God's vocalization (Word) on creation were "Let there be light". The starting verses "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth, and the earth was formless and void..." seem like a "preface", the creation starts on Genesis 1:3: "And God said: 'Let there be light'...", because here is where we see "God" himself "saying", creating. His first creation was this: Light (one could scientifically say that it's symbolically/religiously/spiritually describing the creation of the photons and the electromagnetic fields back at the early universe, after Big Bang, because "electromagnetic" and "photons" are newer, scientific terms (i.e. they didn't existed when Genesis was written) that describe a phenomenon that includes the visible light a.k.a. "light"). Physically, what light needs? Light needs a "medium" (the fabric of spacetime, the electromagnetic field that permeates the cosmos) to propagate, a carrier, a... "light bringer". A "Lucifer". Lucifer is the very medium for light to propagate.

    Even the biblical "Satan" isn't really describing a spiritual entity, it's literally the "deceiving" side of humans (compare to the Hobbe's "Homo homini lupus est": "Satan" is our very "wolf" side, as good-and-evil humans as we are).

    I'm not Christian nor Catholic (I was Catholic in the past). Nowadays I'm more an esoteric, occult person myself, with syncretic views among several belief systems, including (not ironically) Luciferianism.

  • Some surrealist (not exactly "gibberish" in the literal sense) ideas:

    • "Let ᚠ be the ζth factor of the ξth Pontryagin dual element from a Laplacian matrix, hence, the numerical representation from a graph, a Pontryagin duality graph. Let Σᛇ be the sum of probabilities such as ᚠ equals to zero. Determine the probabilities for ᛗ considering that sinh(ᛗ-ᚠ) × ᛟφv² + 1/log(dx) = φͲδx³ + ᚠδx² + 2x where δ is the Gompertz constant and x is the nodal variation for each parallelogram axe."
    • "Given that a conventional passenger airliner flies at speeds below Mach 1, what appears to have been the exact sequence of events that led to an Airbus A380 stalling on August 23, 2027, when a flight (whose flight recorder was recovered but was severely damaged internally) carrying 138 passengers crashed into the Indian Ocean during a strong CME that somehow caused the plane to exceed Mach 1 before its crash?"
    • "Derek is wandering at the cemetery during midnight. He ate cooked rice and oat flour in the previous day. His cat, Mower, was diagnosed with pancreatitis. The entire Northern Hemisphere is announced to face severe weather due to anomalies within the Gulf Stream. Back at the cemetery, a specific grave seems misplaced: the gravedigger dug through a water pipe, now the grave is overflowing and filled with dirty water. Why those ravens seem to be following Derek?"

  • then commanding Beleth into it by means of some conjurations.

    My apologies to the Goëtians, but I'll never understand the human desire for "commanding" entities, "giving orders" to them as if humans were "superior" to them. We aren't. I mean, they're cosmic forces, predating humanity, how's a mere human being supposedly "capable" of suppressing the force of a cosmic force? Maybe it's because I'm a demonolater and I see entities (especially Lilith) as infinitely superior to anything mundane. When I do a ritual, it's for worshipping the entity, for delivering my own essence to them (to Her), not for "giving orders" or "command" them, because I'd be certainly crushed by them way before I could ever think of controlling them. It's a matter of being spiritually humble. I'm a Lilith worshipper, and I can't even think of giving Her any order: it's the exact opposite, She'd give me orders for me to follow, She's way stronger than me.

  • FYI, syncretic beliefs are a thing. Candomblé, the Afro-Brazilian Religion, blends Catholic elements (such as saints) with many African traditions: "an African diasporic religion that developed in Brazil during the 19th century. It arose through a process of syncretism between several of the traditional religions of West and Central Africa, especially those of the Yoruba, Bantu, and Gbe" (Wikipedia)

    It's worth noting that Candomblé, as well as other afro-Brazilian religions (such as Umbanda and Kimbanda), although incorporating some catholic figures, are frequently misunderstood by christians, who often call them "devil worshippers", an undeniable religious intolerance. Terreiros (sacred places where gatherings and rituals from Candomblé, Umbanda and Kimbanda takes place) are sometimes persecuted and vandalized by intolerant christians. The Afro-Brazilian believers, in turn, do not persecute churches neither christians (neither other religions).

    I'm not from an afro-Brazilian religion (I'm actually Lilith's worshipper, therefore I'm a literal "demon worshipper" for christians, I follow no specific religion), but I learnt from old friends from Umbanda and I know how sacred and important the Afro-Brazilian syncretic beliefs are to them.

    The syncretic approach is also found in Göetia, where the tetragrammaton (YHWH) is used among demonic sigils to invoke entities such as Paimon, Lucifer and Stolas (also, some of those entities are syncretic themselves, such as Lucifer from the biblical Lucifer).

    As I said before I don't have a religion but I do my own research in a syncretic approach, while I try to find convergence between many traditions regarding The Goddess (The Dark Mother Goddess): Sumerian Lilit(h), Arabic Al-Lat/Allatu, Hindu Kali, Egyptian Isis, Thelemite Nuit, Greek Hekate, Chinese Chang'e and so on, as well as Umbanda's Pomba-gira archetypes. So, to reiterate, syncretic approach is a thing.

  • Actively criticizing how both USSR and US secretly gave citizenship and hired nazi-fascists (and history is there to be checked) (therefore actively positioning myself against nazi-fascists and against everybody who "sits at a table with nazis and stays at the table") is "carrying water for nazi-fascists"? WTH?!