eduds6 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2022


  • The narrative will never end. NATO will never consider Russia a censitary democracy in public, as that would undermine their propaganda. There is no autocracy in Russia, much less a dictactorship. But if they consider a censitary liberal democracy a autocracy, was 1914 france or 1950s america one of them, or were black people not humans for them?

  • Im about as much as a tankie anarchist as you. An american "anarchist" did the same to me in r/brazil years ago and another at the biggest "anarchist" brazilian server in discord when i called out her shit about ukraine being a victim and russia imperialist. Im happy when reddit calls me a tankie. It means i`m against american imperialism and that i follow the tradition of the latin-american anarchism and of the latin-american left.

    FUCK POST-LEFT ANARCHISM AND FUCK POST-LEFT ANARCHIST SCUMBAGS in brazil. respect our intellectual tradition. Bro, Bob Black (a guy who believes in the necessity of the destruction of all industries and in paleo life) and Hakim Bey (a dead pedophile) are bigger theorics than Marilena Chaui (a socdem and one of the living spinoza quintessential PhDs and the best writer of brazilian politics ever) and Ruy Fausto (a marxist leninist and masterful marxist historian who passed away)? bro come on you cannot be serious, fuck off and do not be a pseudo-american colonist trying to intellectually colonize us with shit proto-fascist third positionism masquerading as anarchism.