"I'm knittin' like a fuckin electric nan"

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022


  • I'm not online (or well-read) enough to really take a "side" on any particular flavor of socialism or another. I do sympathize with a variety of viewpoints from across the spectrum. That said, I lean more towards our anarchist comrades. In my case, it may just be a result of actually having met a lot more of them than I have met communists.

    I haven't organized in big cities, but in small and medium sized towns I always find anarchists, and they are always doing something: feeding people, organizing gardens, putting up propaganda, confronting nazis...

    I've met very few communists, and the ones I have met don't seem to be doing that much. Reading clubs, collecting dues to send up to the leadership... I have had some that came and helped out with a mutual aid project. That group broke up over some internal drama though (this definitely happens to anarchists too!)

    Keeping it real-- here in the US, it doesn't seem like anarchists or communists are really building any serious political power. In my experience, anarchists are at least more likely to be in the streets helping people out.