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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • Yeah I've got the first Revelation Space book waiting for me to open it up, there's just so much out there to read.

    If we are talking sci fi dystopias, I'd say Altered Carbon and its sequels are compelling. Skip the Netflix show. We both seem to like military sci fi, and that series has that aspect in spades.

    If you haven't read Gibson's stuff after Neuromancer, you might like that too.

    His writing is very male

    Lol his writing is very phallic? I think I know what you mean.

  • Kayel means Neuromancer, not Necromancer. Don't want you to fall down the wrong rabbit hole.

    Also I stand behind all of their points. Neuromancer is cool because its the grand daddy of cyberpunk and predicts stuff like the modern internet and what's starting to seem like our megacorps.

    Forever War is one of my favorite sci fi novels of all time. Very influential military theme that seems like a counterpoint to Starship Troopers.

    Everything by Dan Abnett is great. He's the best writer employed by Games Workshop. If you don't know much about 40k, his Eisenhorn series is fun. A decent stand alone novel is Double Eagle which is a dark sci fi story modeled after WW2 dogfights. Even the "good guys" in 40k are aggressively dystopian.

    Reynolds and Hamilton are on my to read list but haven't gotten there. Do you guys recommend anywhere to start with them?